CAPTAIN NOBODY - Writing About Moral Values

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Moral Values
• Mrs Young, Newton’s teacher, discusses his situation with the Principal, Mr
Toomey. She does not get angry with Newton.

• This value is also portrayed by Newton, who tries to cheer his mother up after
seeing his mother’s eyes in tears.

• JJ and Cecil also portray this value when they help Newt with his Halloween
• Newt helps Cecil brings down his dream bass drum

• Newton is also helpful and compassionate towards Mr Clay. He realises that man
is lost and confused and makes sure he gets home safely. We must be helpful to
others regardless whether they are our family, friends or strangers.
• Newt has acrophobia. At first, he hesitated to climb the
Dumpster to get the bass drum. But when disguised as Captain
Nobody, he felt more confident. He managed to help Cecil.
• Newt showcases his courage when saving Ferocious Ferret from
the middle of a busy highway.
• Every morning, Newt prepares breakfast for his family. He did it
eventhough no one ate the breakfast.
• Newt was the only one who knew that Reggie Ratner was
innocent. Newt had the responsibility to make sure Reggie did
not commit suicide. Newt overcame his acrophobia and climbed
the tower because of this sense of responsibility.
“Good values bring positive effects.”

How far is this true in the novel you

have read? Support your answer with
close reference to the text.
Writing Guide:

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Value 1

Paragraph 3: Value 2

Paragraph 4: Value 3

Paragraph 5: Conclusion
When writing about each VALUE,
make sure you include:

1. The character
2. The event
3. Elaborate the event
4. Reflect on the event (for this
question, you need to write about
the positve effect of practising the
good value)
Based on the novel Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford, there are many instances where
good values bring positive effects. Here are some examples.
The first good value is being brave. Newt showed bravery when he wanted to help
Cecil get a bass drum from the dumpster. Eventhough he is afraid of heights, he still
faced his fears to help his friend. We should not give up the challenge that we face
easily and be brave to help our friends or family. The positive effect is Cecil respected
Newt more as a friend when Newt overcame his acrophobia to help him.
The second good value is responsibility. Newt was responsible when he saved
Ferocious the Ferret from the busy highway. Newt was asked to look after Chris's team
mascot. So, when the ferret escaped, Newt expressed his responsibility towards the
ferret by saving him eventhough he is just a little biy and it was a very dangerous
situation. The positive effect of being responsible is people will trust us with something
The third good value is being helpful. After getting the bass drum for Cecil, Newt
helped Mr Clay find his way back home. Mr Clay is an old man with Alzheimers Disease.
He had lost his way back home. Newt held his hands and brought him home safely. The
positive effect of being helpful is people will be helpful to us the next time we need
help because what goes around, comes around.
In conclusion, we should practice good values because good value bring positive
effects to our lives.

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