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Prepaired by: Group 4

•At the beginning, we may think of social stratification as

merly only creating social inequality among groups of
• In some aspects of social life, it is true.
• But social inequality brought by social
stratification base from wealth, prestige, and
power of social groups, is indeed functional in the
society according to Functionalist Theory.
Social Inequality

• Social equality is a state of affairs in which all

people within a specific society or isolated
group have the same status in certain respects,
often including civil rights, freedom of speech,
property rights, and equal access to social
goods and services.
• Every social class has its purpose or role to play a
part in the society.

• The upper class, althrough they are getting richer

beacause they have the capacity to exploit natural
and man-made resources simple because they have


•Their role in the society could create job

opportunities for other social classes below them.

• Those with college degree can be

employed with a higher paid salary
and good position in a company.

• Those with college degree can

be employed with a higher paid
salary and good position in a
Conflict Theory

• This sociological perspective is the opposite of

the latter.

• Karl Marx Vied

-viewed social stratification as creation of inequality
between the rich and the poor or the powerful
versus the powerless.
Conflict Theory
. • Conflict theory is a sociological perspective that
views society as a system characterized by
competition and conflict for resources and power.

• It suggests that social structures and institutions are

created to maintain the dominance of those in
power, and that these dominant groups use their
power to exploit and oppress the disanvantage
- Is the wage gap between men and women.

• Conflict teotorists would argue that this gap is

not simply due to differences in education,
experience, and job performance, but rather
because of the dominant.
Symbolic Interactionism

• View social stratification on a micro level where

individuals affects others whom they have
interacted because of thier social status.

• In most socities, people can only interact only

to those with the same social class status.
Symbolic Interactionism

•Symbolic interactionism is a sociological theory that

develops from practical considerations and alludes to
humans' particular use of shared language to create
common symbols and meanings, for use in both intra-
and interpersonal communication.


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