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Assignment 2B

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Describe how chemical substances ARE USED based on
their physical properties (2B.P4)
This requires talking about how the physical properties of a substance
makes a chemical substance good at its job.

Physical properties describe the physical characteristics of the substance

• Colour
• Density
• Melting/boiling point
• Hardness
• Texture

I’m going to suggest 2 examples.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Copper is a metal. It is used in electrical wires. It is good at

conducting electricity because it has a high conductivity (physical

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge


Diamond has the highest hardness and thermal conductivity

(both physical properties) of any natural material. This makes them
ideal for use in industry, in equipment such as drill bits.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Describe how chemical substances ARE USED based on
their chemical properties (2B.P5)

This requires talking about how the chemical properties of a

substance makes a chemical substance good at its job.

Chemical properties describe how the substance reacts with other


I’m going to suggest 2 examples.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge


Water is considered the “universal solvent” because it can dissolve

more substances than most other liquids.

It can do so because of the water molecule – 2 atoms of hydrogen

covalently bonded to 1 atom of oxygen. There is an unequal
distribution of charge, and the molecule is polar. This polar water
molecule can interact with many different molecules, allowing lots
of things to dissolve.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a gas – it is non flammable and inert (meaning

it will not react). It can be used for lots of things – to carbonate
drinks, to fill crisp packets, and to inflate life jackets. As it will not
react with the environment, it is safe to use for these purposes.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Explain the physical and chemical properties of chemical
substances make them suitable for their uses (2B.M4)

In this part you need to pick 3 substances that can be used for the
same job and compare their physical and chemical properties and
how it makes them suitable for their role.

We’re going to look at the metals that can be used to make wires.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Option 1 - Copper

Copper is a metal. It is used in wiring because it has a high

electrical conductivity and is malleable (easily shaped).

When in contact with moist air, it forms green copper


The % electrical conductivity of copper is 100%.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Option 2 - Gold

Gold is a metal. It is used in wiring because it has quite a high

electrical conductivity and is very malleable (easily shaped).

Gold is very resistant to corrosion (oxidation) – it does not react

with air.

The % electrical conductivity of gold is 70%.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Option 3 - Iron

Iron is a metal. It was used in wiring because it has a moderate

electrical conductivity and is malleable (easily shaped).

Iron is reacts with moist air (oxidation) – this forms iron oxide

The % electrical conductivity of iron is 17%.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

If I picked any other metal from the periodic table, do
you think they would be good as a wire?

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

The answer is… kind of? Some metals are better
conductors than others

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Why are metals good conductors?

They are electrical conductors because their delocalised electrons

carry electrical charge through the metal.

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

Which metal would you pick for your wire and why?


Copper – 100% conductivity, reacts with moist air

Gold – 70% conductivity, doesn’t react with air
Iron – 17% conductivity, reacts with moist air

Alkali metals, Group 1, electron, shielding, attraction, charge

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