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Development is continuous process from

conception to maturity.

Its sequence is approximately the same in all

children with few exceptions, though its rate

varies from one child to another.

Not parallel

Related to CNS maturation

Involuntary/spontaneous movements give way to

voluntary responses
Occurs in cephalo-caudal and proximal to distal

Progresses from dependence to independence

4 fields with a sequence of development

Gross Motor - the development of locomotion

Vision and fine manipulation - the development of

eye-hand control
Hearing & speech - development of language

Personal & social - integration of acquired abilities

to reflect understanding of environment.

Main Kaisa Lagta Hoon
 Prone
 Physiological flexion
 Lifts head briefly
 Head to side

 Supine
 Physiological roll partly to side

 Sitting
 Head lag in pull to sit

 Standing
 Reflex standing and walking
regards object in line of gravity.
Follow A object to midline.
Hands fisted.
Arm movement Jerky.
Movement may be purposeful or random.
Smiles or moves when primary senses are activated
(hearing, smell, taste, touch, vision)
Prefers objects with contrasting colors
Briefly looks at people and objects within 12 inches
Interacts and explores the environment by using their
senses and movement
Explores the environment freely by looking, tasting,
smelling, feeling and hearing
Parent-Infant bonding, learning to read each other’s
Regulation of sleep-wake cycle; regulation of feeding
and elimination
Begins to recognize primary caregiver
Relies heavily on attachment figures/primary
caregivers for emotional and soothing support
Makes variety of gurgling sounds and cooing
when content
Babbles or coos when someone talks to them
Cry is monotonous, one breath long
Listens to a caretaker’s voice for 30 seconds
Responds to sounds and voices
Cries when hungry or uncomfortable
Developmental Milestones
Oral Motor and Feeding

Opens and closes mouth to food

Primary nutrition through breast or
bottle feeding
Rooting response (turns mouth
towards touch on face)
Sucks on objects that are near the
Strong gag reflex evident
Gross Motor & Fine Motor
2 To 3 Months…...
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor Skills
2-3 Months…
Lifts head 900
Chest up in prone position with
some weight through forearm

Roll prone to supine

Influence strong
Legs kicks reciprocally
Prefer head to side
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor Skills
2-3 Months…

Variable head lag in pull to sitting position
Needs full support to sit
Head upright but bobbing

Poor weight bearing
Hip in flexion, behind shoulders
Developmental Milestones
Fine Motor Skills
2-3 Months…

Can see further distance

Hands open movement
Visually follow through 1800
Grasp is reflexive
Use palmar grasp
Developmental Milestones
2-3 Months…

Enjoys physical contact

Calms with rhythmical movements
(e.g. swinging)
Able to self-regulate (e.g. falls asleep
in over-stimulating environments)
Cries more rhythmically with opening and closing mouth
Uses different cries for different needs (hunger, fatigue,
May smile at familiar faces and voices, especially mom
Begins to learn that making sounds gets a response
Turns head to a voice
Attends to a speaker’s mouth
Quiets to a familiar voice
Searches with eyes for a sound
Watches a speaker’s eyes and mouth
Uses lips and tongue to suckle when feeding
Opens mouth when food source is near
Gross Motor & Fine Motor
4 To 5 Months…...
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor Skills
4-5 Months…
Bears weight on extended arms
Pivot in prone to reach the toys
Roll from supine to side lying
Play with feet to mouth
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor Skills
4-5 Months…
Head steady in supporting
sitting position
Turn head in sitting position
Sits alone for brief period

Bears all weight through legs
in supported standing
Developmental Milestones
Fine Motor Skills
4-5 Months…

Grasp & release toys

Uses ulnar palmar grasp
Developmental Milestones
Sensory 4-5 Month
Uses his/her hands and mouth for
sensory exploration of objects
Searches with his/her eyes for sound
and scans objects briefly
Enjoys movements and touch
Able to self regulate by looking away
from or falling asleep in over-
stimulating environment
Developmental Milestones
Speech, Language and Hearing
4-5 Month
Vocalizes to express displeasure
Finds sound with eyes
Babble increases
Babble in chains (ex: babababa)
Initiates “talking” by babbling to another person
Turns head to find a hidden voice
Responds to sound by vocalizing
Vocalizes when playing alone or with caregiver
Recognizes friendly or angry tone of voice
Recognizes own name
Developmental Milestones
Oral Motor and Feeding
4-5 Month

Mouths toys
Strong gag
Begin to introduce solid foods around 5
months of age
Developmental Milestones
Social Emotional Development
4-5 Month

Expresses unhappiness when an object

or toy is taken away
Expresses self using verbal/non-verbal
cues (cries, laughs, reaches for a
familiar adult)
Begins to initiate ways to calm self
Gross Motor & Fine Motor
6 To 7 Months…...
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor Skills
6-7 Months…
Roll from supine to prone
Holds weight on one hand to reach the toys

Lifts head and helps when pulled to sitting position
Gets to sitting position without assistance
Sits independently

May crawl backward
Developmental Milestones
Fine Motor Skills
6-7 Months…
Approaches objects with one hand
Arm in neutral when approaching the
Radial palmar grasp
pick up small objects with fingers
Voluntary release to transfer objects
between hands
Developmental Milestones
6-7 Months…
Investigates objects with vision, touch,
and taste
Shows increased tolerance of various
social and environmental situations
May enjoy playing with food
Developmental Milestones
Speech, Language and Hearing
Responds to sounds when source is not visible
Shouts to gain attention
Responds to a simple request like “come here”
Shows interest in the sounds of objects
Responds to facial expressions
Imitates familiar gestures
Looks at a picture when it is named NOTE: These ranges
Recognizes family members’ names
Responds to “no” most of the time from 6 to 9 Months
Waves “bye-bye”
Vocalizes during games
Begins to recognize common words
Attempts to imitate sounds
Increase in babbling
Produces repeated syllables (ma ma ma, ba ba ba)
Produces four or more different sounds (ma, da, ba, ga)
Developmental Milestones
Social Emotional Development
Simple imitative toy play with caregiver
Experiences wide range of emotions
Plays with toys briefly, more independently
Increased interest in self, others, world
Entertains self briefly
Initiates play
Enjoys mirror play
Has increased separation anxiety
Able to predict repeated events
Enjoys the freedom that their new movement brings
Object permanence (i.e. able to find a toy hidden under a
Enjoys repeating interesting experiences (shaking a rattle)
NOTE: These ranges from 6 to 9 Months
Developmental Milestones
Oral Motor and Feeding

Decrease in gag response

Spoon feeding
Opens mouth when food approaches
Begins drinking with a cup, but a lot of
liquid is spilled
Uses jaw movements to “chew” soft
NOTE: These ranges
Self-feeds finger food from 6 to 9 Months
Holds a spoon
Gross Motor & Fine Motor
8 To 9 Months…...
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor Skills
8-9 Months…
Gets into hands-knee position

Does not tolerate supine position

Move from sitting to prone position
Sit without hand support for longer periods
Pivot in sitting position
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor Skills
8-9 Months…
Stands at furniture
Pulls to stand at furniture
Lowers to sitting position from supported standing

Crawl forward
Walk along furniture
Developmental Milestones
Fine Motor Skills
8-9 Months…
Takes objects out of container
Develop active supination
Uses inferior pincer grasp
Extends wrist actively
Pivot with index finger
Pokes with index finger
Release of objects is more refined
Fine pincer grasp developed
Put objects into container
Grasps adaptively
Gross Motor & Fine Motor
10 To 11 Months…...
Developmental Milestones
Gross Motor Skills
10-11 Months…

Stands without support

Pulls to stand using half kneel
intermediate position
Pick up objects from floor from
standing with support
Walk with both hands held
Walk with one hand held (Bean Walk)
Creep on hand & feet (Bear Walk)
Gross Motor & Fine Motor
Developmental Milestones
10-12 Months
Explores food with fingers
Eats a variety of textured and flavored
foods using his/her fingers
Enjoys bath time, splashing, playing in
the water
Developmental Milestones
Speech, Language and Hearing
10-12 Months
Begins to use one or two words spontaneously
Begins to use “mama” or “dada” meaningfully
Begins to use a word to call a person
Vocalizes to change activities or call others
Imitates consonant and vowel combinations
Imitates non-speech sounds
Begins to imitate the name of familiar objects
Vocalizes with intent frequently
Imitates new gestures
Begins to follow simple commands
Verbalizes or vocalizes in response to verbal requests
Identifies two body parts on self by pointing or gesturing
Listens selectively to new words
Vocalizations have rising and falling sounds like adult speech
Developmental Milestones
Social Emotional Development
10-12 Months
Note: Some of these can appear even in 9th Month
Moves around but will look to caregiver for approval
of his/her actions.
Uses caregiver as a secure base from which to
explore (will explore environment,
but makes sure that parent is still physically present
while doing so.)
Imitative learning; baby copies caregiver’s actions as
a way of learning
Performs for social attention
Begins to anticipate familiar events
Begins to learn the idea of turn taking
Stranger anxiety
Developmental Milestones
Oral Motor and Feeding
10-12 Months

Begins to drink from sippy cup

Chews food
Drools due to teething/and on new
activity performance
Begins to bite on soft solid foods
Developmental Milestones
10-12 Months

Likes to feed self

Drinks from a cup
Helps with dressing and undressing

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