04 - BA Part

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6. Did you work with product managers on customer side? Did you have to get close to the product?

Situation Complications
Prod Panning: roadmap/req. engineering
Mainly with customer as a Technical Product Manager
-Prod Strategy /vision/market/customers/legals
-UX design
-Service and Support

7. Several people mentioned in their feedback, that your strength lies in good and overview of processes. You have actively
participated in  establishing the BA framework and BA best practises. How did you apply BA theoretical knowledge and/or
former business experience and what was the customer appreciated most?

-to consider the quality and completeness of the work being done • the kinds of changes we are doing
Change  transformation in response to a need • the needs we are trying to satisfy -Customer appreciates
Need  cause changes by motivating stakeholders to act • solutions we are creating or changing responsibility from one hands
Solution  specific way of satisfying stakeholder’s needs’ • stakeholders involved
Stakeholder  relationship with change, need, solution
-Visualization of the process
• stakeholders consider to be of value
Value  usefulness of something to a stakeholder • contexts that we and the solution are in -Feeling of controlling things
Context  environment that encompass the change

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