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Lessons Topics
1-2 Bonding
•understand ionic bonding, covalent bonding, co-ordinate bonding and metallic
bonding in terms of electrons and forces.
3 •understand electronegativity and that the electron distribution in a covalent
bond may not be symmetrical
• know that covalent bonds between different elements will be polar to different

3-5 • understand qualitatively how molecules may interact by dipole forces and
hydrogen bonding
• understand the importance of hydrogen bonding in determining the boiling
points of compounds and the structures of some solids (e.g. ice) and to
understand changes of state

5-7 Bonding and structure

•recognise the four types of crystal and know the structures of the following
crystals: sodium chloride, magnesium, diamond, graphite, iodine and ice
•be able, in terms of electron pair repulsion, to predict the shapes of, and bond
angles in, simple molecules and ions.
Metallic bonding
Describe how bonding occurs in
Properties of metals
The delocalisation of electrons
can be used to explain some
properties of metals

Strong forces between lattice ions and

electrons lead to high m.p. and malleability
Ionic bonding
Covalent - (Love)
Name the
Ionic - (Altruism)
three types of
Metallic -(Indifference)
strong bonds
do elements in the same Because of the octet rule. Atoms try
group have similar patterns of
to gain noble gas configurations

Sodium has lostone aouter

electron.and so become
It gains a by
giving anion.
electron to
chlorine. gains a negative
Chlorine also
becomeand becomes
stable a
by gaining
negative ion
one electron.
Ionic bonding in MgCl2

In each case, the ions are held

together by attractive electrostatic
They form giant structures
Draw dot cross diagrams to show how
CaCl2 is formed
The Octet Rule
Ionic bonding and orbitals
Properties of ionically bonded compounds
List the properties of ionic Solid at room temperature
compounds Giant structure
High melting points
Brittle - shatter easily
Conductors in liquid or solvated state
Polar, Hydrophilic

Why are they brittle?

Ions of the same charge

are now adjacent
Covalent bonding
If ionic bonds form between metals Non-metals and non-metals
and non-metals, between what class
of element do covalent bonds form?

Electron loss Electron gain

Why do covalent bonds form?
Covalent bonds often form Thus they share electrons with their
between atoms with too many neighbours, in such a way that including
electrons in their valence shells the shared electrons the shells are full
to give away, but not enough to
easily fill. Delocalizing electrons over two atoms
instead of one lowers the energy of the
Properties of covalent bonds
Colvalent bonding forms discrete Atoms share pairs of electrons
molecules. State 4 facts about
covalent bonds Each atom has a stable, noble gas

They have molecular formulae

The molecules are neutral

Lewis structures, are

similar to dot-cross

Use the information above to

draw a dot-cross diagram for
What holds covalent bonds together?
What force exists between two The Electrostatic force

Draw a diagram to show these


The atomic separation of particles

in a nucleus is determined by the
balance of these forces
More about covalent bonds
Unlike Group 1 and group 7 elements,
most elements need to gain, lose or
share more than one electron

Draw a dot cross diagram for oxygen

Draw dot cross
diagrams for the

Carbon dioxide
Carbon tetrafluoride
How strong is the inter molecular
attraction between covalently Not very!
bonded molecules?

Low melting and boiling points

Often amorphous

List 3 properties of covalently Often poor conductors of electricity

bonded molecules
Remain molecular if they dissolve in

Can be involved in other types of

Lone pairs
What is a lone pair? Lone pairs occur in elements from
group 5, 6 and 7

Lone pair

How many lone

pairs does Oxygen Lone pairs

Lone pairs affect

the shape of the
How desperate are you for this lesson to end? (tick one) Very

What group do you belong to? Group I & VII
Not at all
Group II & VI
Group III & V

Group 4

If you answered “very”, then you

are like elements in Groups I and
VII. They are very desperate to
lose or gain an electron!

This demonstrates the concept of electronegativity:

"The power of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself."
The Pauling scale

Why are the halogens

Describe the trends of

electronegativity across the

What does electronegativity 1. Nuclear charge

depend upon? 2. Distance between the nucleus
and the outer electrons
3. The shielding by inner electrons
Atomic radii – what’s the link?
1. The smaller the atomic radius, the closer the nucleus is to the shared
electrons, the larger the electronegativity
2. The larger the nuclear charge (for a given shielding effect), the greater the
What happens if the partner of oxygen doesn’t The molecule becomes
want to give away it’s electron?? polar
Polar molecules
What molecule is this? HCl

Is it polar, or non polar? polar

How many lone pairs three

are there?

Electron probability
(density) map

What other bonding

possibilities are there
Which of the following molecules will be polar?
All of them, except CCl4
HCl, H2O, CCl4, CH2 O

How do we know if a molecule is going to be polar?

Step 1: Draw a reasonable Lewis structure for the substance

Step 1: If the difference in electronegativity for the atoms in a bond is

greater than 0.4, we consider the bond polar.

Step 3: If there are no lone pairs on the central atom, and if all the
bonds to the central atom are the same, the molecule is nonpolar.

If the central atom has at least one polar bond and if the groups
bonded to the central atom are not all identical, the molecule is
probably polar.

Step 4: Describe the polar bonds with arrows pointing toward the
more electronegative element. Use the length of the arrow to show
the relative polarities of the different bonds. Check for symmetry.
Is CO2 polar or non polar ?

Step 1: The Lewis structure for CO2 is

Step 2: The electronegativities of carbon and oxygen are

2.55 and 3.44.

The 0.99 difference in electronegativity indicates that the

C-O bonds are polar, BUT all of the bonds to the central
atom are the same, which indicates that the molecule

If we put arrows into the geometric sketch for CO2, we see

that they exactly balance each other, in both direction and
This shows the symmetry of the bonds.
Example 2
Why is CCl4 non-polar?

The lewis structure is: The molecular geometry

of CCl4 is tetrahedral

Even though the C-Cl bonds are polar,

their symmetrical arrangement makes the
molecule nonpolar.
Summary of bonding
Other bonding possibilities 
There are three types of intermolecular force
 van der Waals
 dipole-dipole forces
 hydrogen bonding


Individual bonds can be polar, but molecules with

polar bonds can also have a dipole moment caused
by all of the polar bonds in the molecule.

Turning moments are found

What is a turning
where asymmetric forces
What causes the
intermolecular force?

An unequal distribution of
electron density due to
the high e-negativity of
Chlorine. It is an
electrostatic force

Uncharged molecule can still have an

electric dipole moment.

Electric Dipoles arise from opposite but

equal charges separated by a distance.

Molecules that possess a dipole moment

are called Polar molecules
Dipole –dipole forces
Dipole-Dipole forces exist between
neutral polar molecules

Dipoles affect the boiling points of a substance –

the reason why water is a liquid at room
Dipoles and symmetry
(Ext) Induced dipoles are the reasons for
induced charge in electrostatics.

At the molecular level, the proximity of a

charged particle can distort the electron cloud
of another neutral atom and the two will stick
together. This is called an induced dipole

A polar molecule is one with a permanent dipole moment.

A polar molecule must have a slightly positive end opposite a
slightly negative one.

If a molecule is 'spherical' enough,

What about symmetrical then each end of the molecule will
molecules? have the same properties and in must
be non-polar.
Van der Waals forces
What happens in non-polar In the noble gases, there is no
species? “molecular stickiness” so how can
they be liquefied?

Other forces exist – called

dispersive forces. They are very
important in non-polar molecules
and atoms, but exist in all atoms
and molecules.

Consider helium. Where would

you be likely to find the electrons
at a moment in time?
Transient dipoles

The movement of the This dipole, however short lived, can

electrons, even in the He induce a dipole in a neighbouring atom,
atom, cause an causing a force.
instantaneous dipole to be
formed. This force is always attractive but even
shorter ranged (and weaker) than
The time-averaged dipole permanent dipole-induced dipole forces.
moment of the atom is still
True Van der Waals False

They are in addition to other types of force

They act only at certain time and in certain places

The size of vdW forces decreases with increasing Z

The increase in b.p with Z in Group 0 is due to vdW

vdW forces do not act between non-polar molecules

The bigger the molecule, the larger the vdW

vdW forces rely upon spherical symmetry

Hydrogen bonding
If van der Waals forces act between all molecules and atoms
(ie they are ubiquitous), what range do hydrogen bonds have
and are they as strong?

• H-bonds are a special case of permanent dipole-dipole


• They are stronger than van der Waals forces and around
10% as strong as covalent bonds

• Molecules with hydrogen bonds have higher boiling points

than molecules that don’t.
What are the two prerequisites for H-bonding?

A hydrogen atom covalently bonded to an If only one of these

electronegative atom … N, O or F. conditions is met,
you don’t get
A lone pair of electrons on the electronegative hydrogen bonding.
Decide what these molecules are and whether they
will take part in H-bonding

Has hydrogen bonds.Nitrogen is very
electronegative, and it has one lone
pair of electrons in ammonia

Methane Water
No hydrogen bonds. Carbon is not Has hydrogen bonds.Oxygen is very
very electronegative, and it has no electronegative, and it has two lone
lone pairs of electrons in methane. pairs of electrons in water
Hydrogen bonding in water
Boiling points of period 2 and 3 hydrides
Complete work
sheet 3.6

Why do the
hydrides of N, O
and F buck the
Summary of intermolecular bonding

Van der Waals


1. Produce a table summarising the

properties of Covalent, ionic, metallic and
inter- molecular bonds.

2. How are these properties reflected in

physical characteristics, such as m.p.
and b.p, conductivity etc

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