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I n sti t u te o f H e a l th a nd

Nu rs i n g Au st ra l i a

A division of HCI Holdings Pty Ltd

L eg al e n t i t y : H ea l t h C a re e rs
I n t e r n a t i o n al P t y L t d
AB N : 5 9 1 0 6 8 0 0 9 4 4
AC N : 1 0 6 8 0 0 9 4 4
C RI C O S C o d e : 0 3 3 8 6 G
RTO I D: 2 1 9 8 5

w ww.ih na. edu .au

Apply basic principles and

practices of infection
prevention and control
H LT I N F 0 0 6 - S E S S I O N 1
Identify the role of infection A realistic, evidence-based
strategy called infection
prevention and control in the prevention and control
guards against preventable
illnesses that could affect
work setting, patients and healthcare

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Learning Outcomes
Identify the role of infection
prevention and control in the work

• Identify standards and guidelines relevant • Identify control measures to minimise risk
to own role and work setting in accordance with relevant national
standards and guidelines..
• Identify infection risks and hazards
associated with own role and work setting • Communicate effectively with others in
relation to risk management..
• Identify roles and responsibilities of self
and others in relation to infection • Record identified risks and risk
prevention and control. management strategies within scope of
own role

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Identify the role of infection prevention

and control in the work setting

The term "infection control" refers to the policies and practises

used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities to limit the spread
of illnesses with the primary goal of lowering infection rates.
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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Infection can spread in 4 different ways

Airborne Contamination of
transmission food and objects

Contact through Contact with body

touch fluids.

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Standards and guidelines relevant

to own role and work setting
National standard guidelines
In Australia, infection control practices are guided by various national standards and guidelines

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)


State and Territory Health Departments

Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in


Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA)

Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

(ACSQHC) Standards
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Identify infection risks and
Risk and hazard associated with
own role and work setting
Risks and hazards should be monitored so they are
minimized, protecting the health and wellbeing of all
workers and clients. All workplaces are legally
obliged to have processes in place to identify
infection risks, as well as policies and procedures to
provide workers with guidance on how they should
respond to such risks.

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Risk and hazard

• A risk is the chance, high or

low, that a hazard will cause
harm, injury or ill health

• A hazard is a situation or item

that could cause harm

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Strategies to identify risks.

Proactive and Reactive

Reactive approach-A reactive

approach to risk identification
involves reviewing accidents and
Proactive strategy-A proactive
incidents through measures such as
strategy is one carried out to
report forms and data, as well as
prevent an accident or incident
establishing consultation processes
such as workplace health and safety

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Infection risk
Hazards that pose infection
There are many hazards that pose infection risks in health, home and
community care (HACC) and aged care service environments

 Sharps
 Human tissues and waste
 General waste
 Aerosols
 Personal contact with clients
 Animals, insects and vermin.

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Infection prevention and control.

Roles and responsibilities of self and others
Infection prevention and control is a shared responsibility that involves various individuals
in different roles.

The vital roles are :

Healthcare Control
Workers Practitioners/

Managers and
Patients and

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Infection control measures to

minimize risk .
Follow relevant national standards and
To minimize infection risk, various control measures can be implemented

Protective Cleaning and Waste
Hand Hygiene. Hygiene and
Equipment (PPE) Disinfection Management
Cough Etiquette

Education and Environmental Compliance and

Training Controls Auditing

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Communicate effectively with

In relation to risk management

Effective communication is crucial in infection risk management to ensure that information about
infection risks, prevention strategies, and control measures is accurately and clearly conveyed to
relevant individuals

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Principles for effective

In relation to risk management
Clear and Concise Messaging
Use Multiple Communication Channels
Provide Timely and Relevant Information
Tailor Communication to Different Stakeholders
Two-Way Communication
Use Visual Aids and Infographics
Training and Education
Cultural Sensitivity and Language Considerations
Consistency and Continuity
Evaluate and Improve Communication

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Record identified risks and risk

management strategies
Proper recordings helps preventive measures

Recording identified infection risks and risk management strategies is essential for
maintaining a comprehensive record and ensuring proper implementation of preventive

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Record identified risks and risk

management strategies
Approaches for recording information



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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Record identified
3 Approaches to discuses

Provide a detailed description

of each identified risk, Assign a unique identifier or
Clearly identify and document
including the potential reference number to each
the specific infection risks that
consequences and impact on identified risk for easy
have been identified
individuals or the healthcare tracking and reference

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Risk assessment
2 Approaches to discuses

Conduct a thorough risk

assessment for each identified risk.
Document the findings of the risk
Evaluate the likelihood of the risk
assessment, including the risk level
occurring and the severity of the
potential consequences

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Risk management strategies

3 Approaches to discuses

Provide clear
Clearly outline the
instructions on how
Develop specific risk recommended risk
the risk management
management management measures
strategies should be
strategies for each or interventions to be
implemented and who
identified risk implemented for each
is responsible for their

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Identify the role of infection prevention and control in the work setting.

Monitoring and review

4 Approaches to discuses

Establish a
schedule for
monitoring and
reviewing the Document the Evaluate the
effectiveness of monitoring effectiveness of Update the
the activities the risk record
implemented conducted management

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