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Theme 5

Save the
Miss Tere's Class
In this theme, we will
learn about:
• Announcement
• Advertisement
• Poster
Announcement is a short passage or a short
functional text that contains information of
facts, events or intentions, that written or
spoken are presented to the public.
Announcements give information to do
Announcement's function is printed something for public, or just giving an
to make know that has happened or information to us just for knowing

what will happen. about something that what needs to be

Generic Structure of Announcement
• Title of Announcement
Example: "English Speech Contest"
• Day, Date, and Time
Example: Day : Thursday
Date : 17th August 2022
Time : 08.00 am
Generic Structure of Announcement
• Place
Example: SDK St. Vincentius 1
• Contact Person
Example: Miss Cici (TU)
• Who is addressed
To: All 6 Grade Students
SDK St. Vincentius 1
Senin, 16 Januari 2023

Silahkan membawa handphone dan

headset/earphone/alat bantu dengar lainnya untuk
latihan mendengarkan Spoken Announcement.
Advertisement is a form of communication used
to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers.
readers, or listener) to continue or take some new
Functions of Advertisement

The function of advertisement is to announce

about a case of a product to the public, or in other
words to introduce a product to the public in order
to buy and attracted to the product being
Generic Structure of Advertisement

In general, an advertisement consists of five

• Headline
• Subheads
• Body copy
• Slogan
• Closing
Purpose of • Make customers aware of our
Advertisement product or service
• Convince customers that your
company's product or service is
right for their needs
• Announce new products or services
• Enhance the image of your
A poster is a placard for posting in a public place. Usually, it
is a large printed notice with picture and implies a message
or an idea.
The purpose of poster are commercial, announcement,
propaganda, and slogan. The other purposes of poster are
informing, giving motivation, and noticing.
Mission of a poster

To be effective, a poster should

• attract attention (optical eye-catching through shape
and color),
• be memorable (original motifs and texts),
• have an interesting design (original combination of font,
image and color), and
• a clearly structured message or statement.

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