CH 04

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Chapter 4: The Business Research Process

Reduces uncertainty
Helps focus decision making

Types Of Research
Descriptive Causal

Uncertainty Influences The Type Of Research



Degree of Problem Definition

Exploratory Research (Unaware of Problem) Our sales are declining and we dont know why. Would people be interested in our new product idea? Descriptive Research (Aware of Problem) Causal Research (Problem Clearly Defined) What kind of people are buying Will buyers purchase more of our product? Who buys our our products in a new package? competitors product? Which of two advertising What features do buyers prefer campaigns is more effective? in our product?

Exploratory Research
Secondary data Experience survey Pilot studies

Exploratory Research
Initial research conducted to clarify and define the

nature of a problem Does not provide conclusive evidence Subsequent research expected

Descriptive Research
Describes characteristics of a population or

phenomenon Some understanding of the nature of the problem

I keep six honest serving men, (they taught me all I knew), their names are what, and why, and when, and how, and where and who. --Rudyard Kipling

Descriptive Research Example

Weight Watchers average customer
Woman about 40 years old Household income of about $50,000

At least some college education

Trying to juggle children and a job

Descriptive Research Example

Mens fragrance market
1/3 size of womens fragrance market But growing at a faster pace

Women buy 80 % of mens fragrances

Causal Research
Conducted to identify cause and effect relationships

Identifying Causality
A causal relationship is impossible to prove.
Evidence of causality: 1. The appropriate causal order of events 2. Concomitant variation--two phenomena vary together 3. An absence of alternative plausible explanations

Stages of the Research Process

Problem Discovery and Definition Discovery and Definition

Research Design

and so on Conclusions and Report

Sampling Data Processing and Analysis Data Gathering

Research Stages
Cyclical process - conclusions generate new ideas
Stages can overlap chronologically Stages are functionally interrelated Forward linkages Backward linkages

Problem Discovery and Definition

Problem discovery

Selection of exploratory research technique

Selection of exploratory research technique



Secondary (historical) data

Experience survey

Pilot study

Case study

Data Gathering Data Processing and Analysis

Collection of data (fieldwork) Editing and coding data Data processing

Problem definition (statement of research objectives)

Research Design

Selection of basic research method

Conclusions and Report

Interpretation of findings

Laboratory Field Interview



Secondary Data Study


The Business Research Process

Problem Discovery Selection of Sample Design

Exploratory Research

Collection of the Data

Selection of the Basic Research Method

The Research Process (cont.)

Editing and Coding Report

Data Processing

Interpretation of the Findings

Stages In The Research Process

Problem Discovery and Problem Definition
Research Design Sampling

Data Gathering
Data Processing and Analysis Conclusions And Report

Problem Discovery And Definition

First step
Problem, opportunity, or monitor operations Discovery before definition

Problem means management problem

Albert Einstein

State the research questions and research objectives


A statement
that can be refuted by empirical data

If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there.

Secondary (historical) Data

Pilot Study

Experience Survey

Case Study

Exploratory Research

Exploratory Research Techniques Two Examples

Secondary data (historical data) Previously collected Census of population Literature survey Pilot study A number of diverse techniques

Focus Group Interview

Research Design
Master plan
Framework for action Specifies methods and procedures

Basic Research Methods

Experiments Secondary data


Selecting a Sample
Sample: subset of a larger population. SAMPLE


Who is to be sampled?
How large a sample? How will sample units be selected?

Data Gathering Stage

Data Processing and Analysis

Conclusions And Report Writing

Effective communication of the research findings

Research Proposal
A written statement of the research design that

includes a statement explaining the purpose of the study. Detailed outline of procedures associated with a particular methodology

Defining Problem Results in Clear Cut Research Objectives

Symptom Detection

Analysis of the Situation

Problem Definition Statement of Research Objectives

Exploratory Research (Optional)

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