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Media Through the Ages
Pre-historic Era (200,000
BCE – 4,000 BCE)
1. Petroglyphs – are
illustrations created by
abolishing part of a rock
surface by incising or carving
as a form of rock art.
2. Cave Paintings – also known
as “parietal art”. Painted
drawings on cave walls or
ceilings, mainly of prehistoric
descent to some 40,000 years ago
in both Asia and Europe.
3. Dance – Archeological
evidence for early dance includes
9,000 year old paintings in India
at the Rock Shelters of
Bhimbetka and Egyptian tomb
paintings depecting dancing
figures dated c. 3300 BCE.
4. Body Art – is a momentous
part of social, spiritual and
personal expression.
Ancient Era (3000 BCE –
100 CE)
1. Writing
A. Cuneiform script – is one of
the earliest schemes of writing,
identified by its wedge-shaped
marks on clay tablets, built by
means of a blunt reed for a
B. Egyptian hieroglyphs – an
orderly writing system used by
the ancient Egyptians that
combined anagrammed and
alphabetic elements.
2. Alphabet
A. Phonecian alphabet – called by
tradition the Proto-Canaanite
alphabet for epitaphs older than
around 1050 BCE, is the oldest
confirmed alphabet. It contains 22
letters, all which are consonants.
3. Drama – is the clear-cut
mode of narrative, commonly
fictional, served in
4. Paper – The word “paper” is
grammatically derived from
papyrus, Ancient Greek for the
Cyperus papyrus plant.
Papyrus – a chunky paper like
matter produced from the core
of the Cyperus papyrus plant
which was used in ancient
Egypt and other Mediterranean
cultures for writing way before
the paper making in China.
Industrial Era (1440 -
1. Printing Press – is an
apparatus for administering
pressure to an inked surface
recessing upon a print medium
(such as paper or cloth), thereby
transferring the ink.
1. Printing Press – It was
invented in the Holy Roman
Empire by the German
Johannes Gutenberg around
2. Dry Plates
Collodion dry plates – a work of
Desire van Monckhoven and
had been accessible since 1855.
Gelatin dry plates - a work of
Richard Leach Maddox in 1871.
3. Telegraphy – is the long-
distance broadcast of textual or
symbolic ( as opposed to verbal
or audio) messages.
Electrical Telegraphy – was self-
sufficiently advanced and
patented in the United States in
1837 by Samuel Horse.
Alfred Vail – developed the
Morse code signalling alphabet
with Morse.
January 11, 1838 – the 1 st

telegram was sent by Morse

across 3 kilometres of wire.
4. Telephone – or phone is a
telecommunications device that
allows many users to administer
a conversation when they are
too far apart to be heard.
Alexander Graham Bell – was
the first to be settled a United
States patent for a device that
formed clearly intelligible
replication of the human voice
in 1876.
5. Phonograph – invented in
1877, a device designed for the
power driven recording and
reproduction of sound. In its
later forms it was also called a
The sound waveforms are
recorded as conforming
physical deviations of a spiral
groove engraved into the
surface of a spinning disc, called
a “record”.
6. Film – also called a movie,
motion picture, theatrical film
or photoplay, is a series of
immobile images that when
shown on a screen, generates
the illusion of moving images.
Information Era (1906 -
1. Radio – is the technology of
using radio waves to convey
information, such as sound, by
modulating some property of
electro-magnetic energy waves
transferred through space.
2. Television – or TV is a
telecommunication medium
used for transmitting sound
with moving pictures in
monochrome or in color and in
two or three dimensions.
3. Personal Computer (PC) – is
a general-purpose computer. Its
size, capabilities and novel sale
price make it beneficial for
4. Mobile Phone– is a portable
telephone which can produce
and receive calls over a radio
frequency carrier.
Most services use a cellular
network manner and they are
often called cellular telephones
or cell phones.
In 1973, the 1 handheld mobile

phone was invented by John F.

Mitchell and Martin Cooper of
Motorola. In 1983, the
DynaTAC 8000x was the 1 st

commercially available
handheld mobile phone.
5. Internet– is the worldwide
system of unified computer
networks that use the Internet
Protocol suite (TCP/IP) that
links billions of devices across
the planet.
What does media do
for us?
Media – One obvious role is
- Provide information and
- Used to monitor government,
business and other institutions.
Some Theories on Information
and Media
1. Allocution – the one-way
distribution of information
through a media channel.
Ex: Radio, TV programs such
as news.
2. Character Theory – used to
understanding media, such as
print or electronic media texts
or productions such as films
and plays.
Erving Goffman’s 4 main types
of broad character in media text
or production;
1. The protagonist(leading
2. The deuterogamist(secondary
3. The bit player(minor
character whose specific
background the audience is not
aware of)
4. The fool(a character that uses
humor to convey messages)
I. Direction: Identify which era
the following items belong to.
- Pre-historic Era
- Ancient Era
- Industrial Era
- Information Era
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

1. Phonograph
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

2. Dry Plates
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

3. Cuneiform
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

4. Tattoos
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

5. Mobile Phones
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

6. Parietal Art
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

7. Film
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

8. Personal Computer
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

9. Phoenician
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

10. Petroglyphs
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

11. Hieroglyphics
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

12. Television
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

13. Printing Press

Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

14. Drama
Pre-historic Era, Ancient Era
Industrial Era, Information Era

15. Carving
Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
16. Illustrations created by
abolishing part of a rock
surface by incising or carving.
a. Cave Paintings
b. Body Art
c. Petroglyphs
d. Cuneiform script
17. One of the earliest schemes
of writing.
a. Cave Paintings
b. Body Art
c. Petroglyphs
d. Cuneiform script
18. A momentous part of social,
spiritual and personal
a. Cave Paintings
b. Body Art
c. Petroglyphs
d. Cuneiform script
19. It is also known as Parietal
a. Cave Paintings
b. Body Art
c. Petroglyphs
d. Cuneiform script
20. The worldwide system of
unified computer networks.
a. Mobile Phone
b. Internet
c. Radio
d. Television
21. A portable telephone which
can produce and receive calls
over radio frequency carrier.
a. Mobile Phone
b. Telegraphy
c. Radio
d. Television
22. The technology of using
radio waves to convey
a. Mobile Phone
b. Telegraphy
c. Radio
d. Television
23. A telecommunication
medium used for transmitting
sound with moving pictures.
a. Mobile Phone
b. Telegraphy
c. Radio
d. Television
24. A device designed for the
power driven recording and
reproduction of sound.
a. Telephone
b. Telegraphy
c. Radio
d. Phonograph
25. The long distance broadcast
of textual or symbolic messages.
a. Telephone
b. Telegraphy
c. Radio
d. Phonograph
1. Industrial Era
2. Industrial Era
3. Ancient Era
4. Pre-historic Era
5. Information Era
6. Pre-historic Era
7. Industrial Era
8. Information Era
9. Ancient Era
10. Pre-historic Era
11. Ancient Era
12. Information Era
13. Industrial Era
14. Ancient Era
15. Pre-historic Era
16. c 21. a
17. d 22. c
18. b 23. d
19. a 24. d
20. b 25. b

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