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First impression.. You have 20 seconds to make a good first impression. Prove yourself You have 5 minutes to prove yourself

Positive Body Language
Dos and Don'ts How to answer questions

How to ask questions

Dress code

Positive Body Language

Gain Points

Positive Body Language

Prepare yourself for the big day.

Practise sitting in a straight backed chair without

fidgeting. Sit at a slight angle. Enter the office as it belonged to you. Greet your interviewer with a firm, sincere handshake. No moist hands. Be calm, avoid fumbling. Emphasize key points. Lean forward to show sincerity and interest.

Positive Body Language

Make eye contact.
Optimization of eye contact Maintain good eye contact. But a gaze longer than 10 seconds may cause discomfort.

Positive Body Language

Avoid leaning back and looking down. It

shows lack of confidence. Use a natural tone of speaking. Have a balanced posture, walk freely and take determined strides. Dont touch your lips or nose. Dont cross your arms- indicates sadness, defensiveness insecurity. Keep your hands in your lap.

Creating that FIRST Impression

Do everything
Make a mental note of all the interviewers

and address them by name and title. Firm handshake(not hand crushing), remember to make eye contact and smile at the same time. If your handshake is weak and clammy (like a dead fish), practice it.

That First impression.

Wipe your palms discretely before

handshake if your hands are moist. Dont wipe your hands after a handshake If you think, the first impression is unfavorable:
remain calm positive body language smile warmly work hard in the remaining interview.

Dos & Donts

Judge Yourself

Come alone Come a little early Wear professional and comfortable clothes.

Eat light and good meal. You may feel faint

otherwise. Close the door behind you when you enter the room. Wait until you are told to be seated.

Also Do.
Greet the interviewer and thank him when

he offers the seat. Avoid looking tired. If you are, avoid showing it. Be organized- have enough copies of resume`, a pen and a paper. Address the interviewer by title and name. Accept refreshments?

And ..
Be positive. Stress your qualifications for the

job and your readiness to undertake your duties. Be alert and laugh and smile wherever appropriate. Treat everybody in the company with the same high level of courtesy. Walk into the interview with a confident, upright position.

Never Forget to.

Avoid controversy. Pause and think before answering an

important question. It adds value to what you say. Answer in a moderate tone. Dont sound too excited or too quiet to hear. Do not interrupt the interviewer. Be prepared to state your purpose when you arrive for the interview.

Last but not the least..

Ask questions about the job.
Stress your strong points. Ask for a clarification on a poorly phrased

question. It is dangerous to answer a question you do not understand. Courteous farewell. Ask when to call back. Respond definitely

Smoke, chew pan or gutkha before entering

an interview room. Have spicy food and things like garlic, onion or eggs, which give off a strong smell from the mouth. Apologize for lack of experience. Ask about salary or days off. Discuss personal, financial problems and jobs you did not get.

And Dont...
Handle anything on the interviewers desk.
Criticize former teachers or employers Beg for a job.

Hide facts
Wear strong smelling perfume or cologne. Get emotional no matter how badly need a


Also Dont.
Look at your watch and dont ask how

much longer the interview is going to take. Act offended at any question, even if you are. Give complicated, long answers. Make decisions about the job during the interview. Be anxious.

Ideal Answers to Interview Questions

We all have faced them

Tell us about yourself?

Short and concise answer.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? Negative traits that will not affect your efficiency at work. What made you interested in our company? Relevant information about the company

Why should we recruit you over others?

This is an attempt to assess your goal

orientation and confidence. Explain how your skills would be important to the company. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Discuss your goals, if not five years then atleast 1-2 years.

What are your salary expectations?

Do not speak on spur-of-the moment
Ask employer how much he would be

willing to pay a person with your skills and experience. If the salary quoted is below your expectation-express yourself

On your Turn to ask Questions...

Do not hesitate
Relevant & well framed questions improve

your image Move from Generic to Specific questions Questions can be asked anytime as long as they do not interfere

Interview Wardrobe-Men
A formal suit is a must-single breasted
Colour-Blue, Gray or Beige, NO

brown/black Pattern-Pin stripe or Solid Shirts- Plain and long sleeved-Light Colours Ties- The tie-tip touches the belt buckle, go for silk ties with formal patterns

Interview Wardrobe-Men(Cont)
Shoes-Black/Brown well polished
Socks-Always Dark than the suit Jewelry-Less the better

Interview Wardrobe-Women
Wear a cotton Saree or Salwar
Wear thick dupattas Wear sedate Colours

Less jewelry the better

Use light makeup

Go for neat professional hair style

Well manicured nails with light nail polish

Thats All from me!

Thank-you ?? Questions??

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