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Aravind Varghese
8th Sem B.A LL.B

• Foundational treaty of the UN.
• Establishes the governing structure, and overall framework of the UN
system including its six principal organs.
• The mission and work of the Organization have been guided by the
purposes and principles contained in the Charter.
• Codifies the major principles of international relations.
• Amended thrice.
The Declaration of St. James

• Issued in London on 12 June 1941.

• Allied nations.
• First joint statement of the goals and principles of the Allies.
• First to express a vision for a postwar world order.
• Called for the "willing cooperation of free peoples" so that "all may
enjoy economic and social security“.
The Atlantic Charter

• 14/8/1941
• UK and US issued joint statement elaborating goals.
• Principles for a better future.
The Declaration by United

• 1/1/1942
• Countries at war with Axis powers.
• Formalized anti-axis alliance and reaffirmed purposes and principles
of Atlantic Charter.
• First time used the term “UN”.
Moscow Conference

• 18/10/1943 to 1/11/1943
• Conducted by the Big 4.
• Establishment of International Organization at the earliest.
• First formal announcement of UNO to replace League of Nations.
Teheran Conference

• 28/11/1943 to 1/12/1943
• Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.
• Again confirmed their common policy.
• Sought for cooperation and active participation of all nations.
• Elimination of tyranny and slavery.
Dumbarton Oaks Conference

• 21/8/1944 to 7/10/1944
• Hosted by the USA.
• To develop blueprint for UNO.
• Similar to Paris Peace Conference of 1919.
Yalta Conference

• February 1945
• Hosted by USSR.
• Attended by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.
• Filled an important gap at Dumbarton Oaks Conference.
• Summoned San Francisco Conference.
 San Francisco Conference

• 25/4/1945
• Big 4 sponsored the event and invited all the signatories to the Declaration by UN.
• Goal of drafting a charter.
• Largest conference.
• Received approval and signed by delegates at Veterans Memorial Hall on 26th

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