8.0 Human Resource Management

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0 Human Resource Management

Lecture Objectives
 To appreciate the concept of human resources
 To learn about the importance of employee
 To discover methods of appraising performance

Definition of Human Resource

 Human Resource Management is the planning,

organizing, directing and controlling of the
procurement, development, compensation,
integration, maintenance and separation of human
resources to the end that individual, organization and
social objectives are accomplished

- Edwin B Flippo

Understanding Human Resources Mgt

Human Resource Management is the management

function that deals with recruitment, placement, training
and development of organizational members.
• It is the management of workers (manpower) in an
organization so that they could be in a position to
serve the organization with dedication and high
• Human resource is a staff function
• HRM is an ongoing procedure that tries to keep the
organization supplied with the right people in the right
position when they are needed
Scope of Human Resource


Relation Remuneration


Human Resource Management

 Focuses on people in the organization

 Applying management principles in procuring,
developing and maintaining people in the
 HR Decisions must influence effectiveness of
organization leading to better service to customer
and high quality products at reasonable price

Personnel Management

 Personnel management can be defined as obtaining, using

and maintaining a satisfied workforce. It is a significant part
of management concerned with employees at work and
with their relationship within the organization.
 It is an administrative function of an organization that
exists to provide the personnel needed for organizational
activities and to manage the general employee-employer
 It plays an important role to promote the employees so
that employees can contribute their maximum for
achieving the enterprises goals.

Comparing Personnel Management
and Human Resource Management

 Personnel Management is a function within an

organization concentrated on recruiting, managing
and directing people who work in it.
 Human Resource Management deals with issues
related to compensation, performance management,
organization development, safety, wellness, benefits,
employee motivation, training and others

Difference between HRM and
Personnel Management
S. No Dimension Personnel Mgt Human Resource
1 Employment contract Careful dimension Aims to go
of written contract beyond contract
2 Rules Importance of Impatience with
devising clear rules rules
3 Guide to Mgt action Procedures Business needs

4 Behavior referral Norms, customs Values/Mission

and practices
5 Managerial task vis-à-vis Monitoring Nurturing
6 Key relations Labor Customer

7. Initiatives Piecemeal Integrated

Difference between HRM and
Personnel Management
S.No Dimension Personnel Mgt Human Resource
8 Speed Slow Fast

9 Management role Transactional Transformational

10 Communication Indirect Direct

Managerial skills Negotiation Facilitation

11 Selection Separate Integrated

12 Pay Job Evaluation Performance

13 Labor management Collective bargaining Individual
contracts contracts
Difference between HRM and
Personnel Management
S. No Dimension Personnel Mgt Human Resource
14 Job design Division of labor Teamwork

15 Training and Controlled course Learning

development organization

16 Shared Interest Organization Mutuality of

interest uppermost interests

17 Conflict handling Temporary Climate and


18 Focus of attention for Personnel Cultural and

intervention procedures structural
Human Resource

 is all encompassing
 Includes human resource development and more
 Goes far beyond traditional personnel function
 More proactive and change oriented
 Needs competencies of a different nature from
traditional personnel function required

Importance of HRM

 Hire the right persons for the job

 Low attrition rate
 Ensure people do their best
 Time saved in not conducting useless interviews
 Avoid legal actions for any discrimination
 Safety laws are not ignored
 Equity towards employee in relation to salary etc
 Effective training
 Avoid unfair labor practices
HR Department Responsibilities

1. Planning for staff needs

2. Recruitment and hiring
3. Training and Development
4. Appraising Performance
5. Administering compensation and benefits
6. Overseeing changes in employment status

Human Resource Management Process

1. Human Resource Planning

2. Recruitment
3. Selection
4. Orientation ( Induction/socialization)
5. Training and Development
6. Performance Appraisal
7. Promotion, transfers, demotion and separation

Human Resource Planning

 Is the process of forecasting a firm’s future demand

for and supply of the right type of people in the right
 It the process by which management ensures that it
has the right personnel who are capable of
completing those tasks that helps the organization to
achieve its goals and objectives
 It is also planning for future personnel needs of an
organization, taking into account both internal and
external activities and factors of the environment

Importance of Human Resource

 Future human resource needs

 Helps in strategic planning
 Creating a high talented personnel
 Global strategies
 Foundation of personnel function
 Increase involvement in human resources
 Reduce resistance to change

Basic Procedure for HR Planning

 Planning for future needs

 Planning for balance
 Planning for recruitment/selection/layoff
 Planning for staff development

 Evaluation of job requirement

Job Analysis…… Job description (tasks)
……. Job specification (personality)

Factors Affecting HR Planning

 Type and strategy of organization

 Organizational growth cycle and planning
 Environmental uncertainty
 Time horizon
 Type and quality of forecasting information
 Nature of jobs being filled
 Outsourcing

Forecasting Techniques

 Ratio Analysis
 Regression Analysis
 Work study Techniques
 Delphi Technique
 Managerial judgements

HR Supply Forecast

 Existing Human Resources

 Internal Source of Supply
 External Source of Supply

Job Analysis

 Job Analysis is the process of studying and collecting

information relating to the operational
responsibilities of a specific job
 The immediate products of this analysis are job
description and job specification

Job Analysis involves

1. Collecting and recording job information

2. Checking the job information for accuracy
3. Writing job description based on the information
4. Using the information to determine the skills,
abilities and knowledge
5. Updating the information from time to time

Job Description

 Job Description is a list of job duties, responsibilities,

reporting relationships, working conditions and
supervisory responsibilities
 Job Specification is a list of job’s “human
requirements” that is the requisite education, skills,
personality and so on.

Expansion of Job Analysis

Job Analysis

Job Description Job Specification

• Job Title • Education
• Location • Experience
• Job Summary • Training
• Duties • Initiative
• Supervision • Physical effort
• Working • Responsibility
condition • Communication skills
• Hazards • Emotional charateristics

Use of Job Analysis Information


Job Description and Job Specification

Recruit ning
ment & Health Salary
Career Performance Employee
and Dev and and
Planning Appraisal discipline
Selecti elop Safety Wages
on men
 Process of finding and attracting capable applicants for
 Process begins when new recruits are sought and ends
when their applications are submitted
 The result is developing a pool of job candidates in line
with human resource plan
 Candidates are usually identified through newspapers
and professional journal advertisements, employment
agencies, word of mouth and visit to colleges and
university campuses

Sources of Recruitment
 Striking a balance between internal or external sources
1 Internal
2. External
Organizations ability to recruit depends on reputation,
attractiveness of location and of specific job offer

Factors Governing Recruitment
External Factor Internal Factors
Supply and demand Recruitment policy
Unemployment rate Human resource plan
Labor market Size of firm
Political Cost
Social Growth

Equal Employment and Affirmative

1. Civil Rights Movement

2. Women’s Movement

• Equal pay Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination by

employers on basis of sex, religion and race.
• Compatible worth defines candidates suitability for a
position or category


 Is the process of differentiating between applicant’s in

order to identify those with greater likelihood of
success in a job
 Is the selection of a candidate with the right
combination of education, work experience, attitude
and creativity not only to increase quality and stability
of work force but also bringing management
strategies and planning to fruition

Process of Selection

 Selection involves using application forms, resumes

(curriculum vitae), interviews, employment and skills tests
and references to check and screen job candidates
 Merit based criteria is used

Basic Testing Concepts

 General tests are administered to determine

- Ability: to determine performance
- Aptitude: potential to learn in a given situation
- Personality: motivation to function in a particular
working environment
- Interest: individual’s activity preference


 Formal in depth conversation conducted to

evaluating the applicant’s acceptability
 Two way exchange of information
 It is a mutual process whereby organization decides
whether or not to make a job offer and the candidate
decides whether or not to accept the offer

Objective of Interview

 Helps obtain additional information

 Facilitates giving general information to applicant
 Help build image of the organization

Orientation (Socialization)

 It is designed to help the selected individuals fit

smoothly into the organization
 New comers are introduced to their colleagues,
acquainted with their responsibilities and informed
about the organization’s cultures, policies and
expectations regarding employee behavior
 Provide employees with information needed to function
comfortably and effectively in the organization

Training and Development

 Training and development are both aimed at increasing

employees abilities to contribute to organizational
 Training is aimed to improve skills on the current job
 Development programs are designed to prepare the
employees for promotion

Need for Training and Development

 To improve three types of skills:

1. Technical
2. Interpersonal
3. Problem solving

Approaches to determining training

1. Performance Appraisal
2. Analysis of Job Requirement
3. Organizational Analysis
4. Survey of human resources- problematic

Training Methods

1. On the job training

- Job rotation
- Internship (job and classroom)
- Apprenticeship
2. Off the job training
- Seminars
- Lectures
- Computer Assisted Instructions
Performance Appraisal

 Compares an individual’s job performance to standards

or objectives developed for individual positions
 Low performance may prompt corrective action such as
further training, demotion or separation
 High performance may merit a reward such as pay rise,
bonuses or promotion
 Be based on job analysis, job description and job

Appraisal Approaches

 Superior rating subordinates

 Group of superiors rating subordinates
 Group of peers rating a colleague
 Subordinates rating bosses

Problems of appraisal
- Shifting standards
- Rate bias
- Different rate patterns (styles)
- Halo effect- rating based on one characteristic
Compensation and Benefits

 Benefits be fair, effective and appropriate

 Help attract and retain high performing employees
 Impacts on the strategic performance of the firm
 Be reflective of contribution in the achievement of
organizational objectives

Factors that influence Compensation
and Benefits

 Employee’s tenure and performance

 Kind of job performed (level of skills)
 Kind of business
 Unionizable
 Labor or capital intensive
 Management philosophy
 Geographic location
 Company profitability
 Size of company
Promotions, Transfers, Demotions and

 All these reflect an employee’s value to the

 High performers may be promoted or transferred to
help them develop their skills while low performers
may be demoted, transferred to less positions or even
 Any of these options will in turn affect human
resource planning

Tutorial Exercise
Q1. What is human resource planning?
Q2. Explain the four procedures in human resource
Q3. State the importance of performance appraisal
Q4. State the purposes that transfer tends to serve in
Q5. What is the rational for engaging part time staff


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