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3rd TERM – 2023


Week : 20 Grade: 2nd – Secondary

Topic : Peopleś Character Miss Beatriz Briceño
Have all the Write and speak
Pay attention
materials for the in English.
and follow the
class instructions.

Participate in Ask for help

the class when you need
raising your
Learning purposes
 Adapt oral text to the
communicative situation,
exchanging personal information;
talking about people´s character
and their preferences.
Warm – up
Let’s watch a video and Tell :
What did you see in the video?
Critical thinking!
Try to remember and tell me :

How do you describe yourself?

How do you describe your teacher?
How do you describe your best friend?
Let´s Practice!
Let´s Learn Character Adjectives
- Brave = ………………………….
- Cheerful = ………………………….
- Cruel = ………………………….
- Friendly = ………………………….
- Funny = ………………………….
- Kind = ………………………….
- Lazy = ………………………….
- Loyal = ………………………….
- Selfish = ………………………….
- Shy = ………………………….
- Stubborn = ………………………….
- Wise = ………………………….
Let´s Solve!
⮚ What did you learn today?
⮚ How did you learn it?
- Speaking
- Reading
- Writing
- Listening
⮚ Which learned profile did you use today?
- Inquirers - Knowledgeable
- Thinkers - Communicators
- Principled - Open-minded
- Caring - Risk-takers
Thanks Goodbye

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