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Group No.

2 Ankit Kumar Ankur

Arvind Pratap Singh

Lokesh Kumar Dhruw Rakesh Ranjan Jha Surat Prakash Dung dung

AMBAR -Background
Amber Health Food Limited operates in natural and

traditional health remedies and product segment Umbrella Company, 125 products Food Vs Hygiene and Personal Care Products Traditional Ayurvedic remedies Vs Modern Health Concepts Nationwide distribution center covering both urban and rural India

Attitude Score
Attributes Nutrition Taste Immunity Price Growth Mixing Property Natural Ayurveda Energy Ii 4.84 4.74 4.52 4.25 4.53 4.53 4.25 4.11 4.66 Bi 4.36 4.27 3.56 3.75 3.63 3.88 3.88 3.09 3.57 Ei 4.47 4.3 4.03 3.6 3.95 4.18 3.6 3.14 3.74 Ai 2.14 2.02 3.87 1.80 3.56 2.72 1.33 3.20 4.08

Biggest gap in attitudinal score is for attributes

Immunity, Growth and Energy Amber health drink and Amber Chyavanprash health drink has least gap score, 22.98 and 22.22 respectively Both Amber products are more close to Ideal compared to other brand Chyavanprash strongly associated with winter season

Strategy comparison
Amber Chyavanprash health drink Strong brand Brand associated with family May be perceived as drinks for winter to fight cough and cold Sale may boost up for short term, if launched in Winter season May cannibalize parent brand of Chyavanprash Attitudinal score gap is 22.22 Purchasing intention is not in favor Amber health drink
Under umbrella brand of

Amber Primary market is children, that need to be targeted with different brand No such perception All season health drink Increase in brand portfolio Attitudinal score gap is 22.98 Purchasing intension is in favor

Purchase intention is in favor of Amber health drink

The major attitudinal gap for attributes Immunity,

Growth and Energy should be targeted The health drink should be launched for children to give immunity, growth and energy A children friendly taste should be adopted though taste preference is less for the segment The Influencer mainly elderly people should be targeted

Should be launched as all season health drink Amber health drink can leverage on umbrella brand but

saves Chyavanprash brand from dilution Should be the first identify and fill the gap area to take advantage Should take advantage of umbrella brand Amber Media is second big influencer thus a strong promotional and advertising campaign must be launched

How to initiate attitudinal changes

An effort is required to prevent other amber brands to

affect new brand image but still carry umbrella brand Health tonic are generally not flavored while Amber health drink targeted to children must be flavored for childrens liking New brand must project energy growth and immunity more than natural and ayurveda


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