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Millilmeter and Optical Wave


Dr. Esther Florence S
Control Information

Author Esther Florence S

Version Number
Release Date 29 July 2023

2 v 1.1
Cognitive Levels Addressed

Cognitive Level Cognitive Skill Evaulation

1 Remember Yes
2 Understand Yes
3 Apply Yes
4 Analyze Yes
5 Evaluate No
6 Create No

3 v 1.1
Mode Theory

1. How light in the core is describe by “Mode theory”?

The light, flowing in the core of optical wave guide is represented
in term of “permitted modes of the waveguide” or “bound or trapped
modes” of the waveguide.
2. What is meant by “permitted modes”?
Mode, which satisfy Maxwell’s equation are called the “Permitted

4 v 1.1
Mode Theory

• Electric field distribution across the core of glass fiber.

• In TE0 mode zero zero crossing
• TE1 mode one zero crossing
• TE2 mode two zero crossing
5 v 1.1
Evanescent Fields

The amplitude of the field in the cladding is observed to decay exponentially in the
x direction. Such a field, exhibiting an exponentially decaying amplitude, is often
referred to as an evanescent field.
A field of this type stores energy and transports it in the direction of
propagation (z) but does not transport energy in the transverse direction (x).
The penetration of energy into the cladding underlines the importance of the
choice of cladding material. The cladding thickness must be sufficient to allow the
6 evanescent field to decay to a low vvalue.
Modes in Planar Waveguide

β = propagation constant in the direction wave in the n1 medium

k= propagation constant in free space

7 v 1.1
Guided Modes
• Only certain angles, between the propagation rays and the interface,
give rise to stable mode in transverse plane.
• Thus only discrete modes (βl = 2 m π, where m = 0,1,2,…) within the
guide propagates
• Hence the successfully propagating light down the fibre corresponds
to a mode or wave front

8 v 1.1
Mode Theory

• Guided modes in the fiber occur when the values for β satisfy the
n2 k ˂ β ˂ n1 k
• At the limit of propagation when β = n2 k a mode is no longer properly
guided and is called being cutoff
• Unguided mode appear for the frequencies below cutoff point where,
β ˂ n2 k
• Wave propagation is still below the cutoff frequency for leaky modes
• The modes are cut off when β = n2 k
• The wavelength at which the higher-order modes are cutoff when
V ≤ 2.405 is called cutoff wavelength λc
• This parameter is a dimensionless number that is related to the
wavelength and the numerical aperture and determines how many
modes a fiber can support
9 v 1.1
Fiber modes --- single mode and multi-mode fibers

2 a 2a 2
V  ( n12  n 22 ) 1 / 2 , Vcutoff  ( n1  n22 )1 / 2  2.41,
 c
Number of modes when V>>2.41
M ,
Normalized propagation constant
neff  n22
b , b  (1.1428  0.996 / V ) 2 , for V between 1.5 – 2.5.
n12  n22

10 v 1.1
Solution to Maxwell’s Equation

Normalized Propagation Constant

11 v 1.1
Modes in Fiber

12 v 1.1
Linearly Polarized Modes

13 v 1.1
Linearly Polarized Modes

14 v 1.1

15 v 1.1
16 v 1.1
17 v 1.1
18 v 1.1
19 v 1.1
Calculate the number of modes at 820 nm and 1.3 μm in a graded index fiber having a parabolic
index profile ( α = 2 ), a 25 μm core radius, n 1 = 1.48, and n2 = 1.46. How does this compare to a
step index fiber.

For a step index fiber , V = 2 π a (n12 - n2 2 ) 1/2
No. of bound modes M = V2
For a graded index fiber Δ = ( n12 - n2 2 ) ≈ n1 - n2
2 n12 n1
No. of bound modes M = (2 π a )2 α n12 Δ
(α + 2 ) λ2
At 820 nm:
No. of modes in step index fiber = 1079
No. of modes in graded index fiber = 543

At 1300 nm:
No. of modes in step index fiber = 429
No. of modes in graded
v 1.1
index fiber = 216
Friday, August 25, 20

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