Jumping Into Phrasal Verbs Adults b1 b2

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Lesson Outlines

1. What are Phrasal Verbs?

2. Separable Phrasal Verbs and Examples

3. Inseparable Phrasal Verbs and Examples

4. How Are Phrasal Verbs Used?

5. Phrasal Verbs Practise Activities

Class Discussion

• What are verbs?

• Can you think of some verbs?

• What are adverbs?

• Can you think of some adverbs?

• What are prepositions?

• Can you think of some prepositions?

What Are Phrasal Verbs?
• Phrasal verbs are a type of verb that
is made up of two or three words.

• We call the extra words "particles."

• These particles can be either an

adverb or a preposition, or
sometimes both.

• These particles are used to make up a phrasal verb.

What Are Phrasal Verbs?
• The verb + particles all work together to create a different meaning
than the individual words would have on their own.

They made plans to “hang out” at the mall on Friday.

• The verb “hang” does not make sense by its own, but with the
particle “out” it completes the intended meaning.
• To “hang out” simply means that you want to spend time with
Common Phrasal Verbs and Their Meaning
Phrasal Verbs Meaning

Bring up To mention a topic of conversation.

To stop working properly, or to become emotionally

Break down

Call off To cancel something that was planned.

Carry on To continue to do something.

Come across To discover something by chance.

Figure out To solve or understand something.

Get along To have a good relationship with someone.

Common Phrasal Verbs and Their Meaning
Phrasal Verbs Meaning
Go on To continue or to let something happen.

Cut off To disconnect or interrupt something.

Give up To stop trying.

Look after To take care of someone or something.

Look up To search for information either online or in books.

To resemble a family member in appearance or

Take after

To refuse an offer or request, or to reduce the

Turn down
volume of something.
Separable Phrasal Verbs
• This is when the verb and particle can either be together or apart.

Example: verb

• We can say: Turn off the TV.

• Or we can say: Turn the TV off. particle

• As this is a separable phrasal verb, you can put an object between

the verb and particle.
• Here we can see that the phrasal verbs both convey the same
meaning whether they are together or apart.
Common Separable Phrasal Verbs and Examples

Separable Example Sentence with Example Sentence with

Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verb Together Phrasal Verb Separated

Put on She put on her jacket. She put her jacket on.

She cut off the She cut the conversation

Cut off
conversation. off.

Pick up She picked up the book. She picked the book up.

They set up the table for They set the table up for
Set up
dinner. dinner.

Put away He put away the dishes. He put the dishes away.
Inseparable Phrasal Verbs
• This is when the verb and particle cannot be separated.



• I have to put up with my brother’s loud music.


• As an inseparable phrasal verb, you cannot separate the particle

and the verb with an object.
• Therefore, you cannot say "I have to put my brother's loud music up
with" as it would not convey any meaning.
Common Inseparable Phrasal Verbs and Examples

Example Sentence Using Inseparable Phrasal Verb
Phrasal Verbs

Break down Sally broke down into tears when she heard the news.

Call off They called off the concert due to bad weather.

John was glad that he didn’t give up his dream of

Give up
becoming an actor.

Look after Katie promised to look after my cat while I was away.

Luke turned down the job offer because it didn’t pay

Turn down
How Are Phrasal Verbs Used?
• Phrasal verbs are used to express action.
n i n to” means to
“ Ra
enter quic


• She ran into the store to buy some bread.

• In this sentence, we can note that the phrasal verb "ran into" is
expressing an action.
• We can see that it conveys a sense of urgency and purpose.
How Are Phrasal Verbs Used?
• Phrasal verbs are used to express direction.
ut of”
“Walked o
means to l

• He walked out of the room and slammed the door.

• In this sentence the phrasal verb "walked out of" conveys that the
action is moving away from the room, and the particle "out of"
indicates the direction of the movement.
How Are Phrasal Verbs Used?
• Phrasal verbs are used to add emphasis.
e d o u t” m eans
to be critic

• The coach called out the players poor performance.

• In this sentence, the phrasal verb “called out” conveys a sense of

urgency and importance, indicating that the coach wants to make
it clear that the player needs to improve.
• The particle "out" emphasises that the criticism was public.
Phrasal Verbs: Practice Makes Perfect
• Identify the verb and particle in the following phrasal verbs.
• The first one has been done for you.

Phrasal Verb Verb Particle/Particles

Hang out hang out

turn off
Turn off

put up with
Put up with

ran into
Ran into

walked out off

Walked out off
Separable Phrasal Verbs: Practice Makes Perfect

• Read each sentence carefully, and pay attention to whether the

separable phrasal verb is written together or apart.

• Decide whether to write the phrasal verb together or apart, depending on

the version that is given in the sentence list.

Separable Sentence with Phrasal Sentence with Phrasal Verb

Phrasal Verbs Verb Together Separated

Sandy will turn off the lights Sandy will turn the lights off
Turn off
when she goes to bed. when she goes to bed.

Leo put away his toys when it

Leo put his toys away when it
Put away was time to clean up.
was time to clean up.
Separable Phrasal Verbs: Practice Makes Perfect

Separable Sentence with Phrasal Sentence with Phrasal Verb

Phrasal Verbs Verb Together Separated

Kenny looked up a recipe for Kenny looked a recipe up for

Look up
dinner. dinner.

Elaine cleaned up the kitchen Elaine cleaned the kitchen up

Clean up
after eating lunch. after eating lunch.

Shawn picked up some Shawn picked some flowers up

Pick up
flowers for his girlfriend. for his girlfriend.
Inseparable Phrasal Verbs: Practice Makes Perfect
• Match each inseparable phrasal verb to the correct meaning.

Inseparable Phrasal Verb Answer Meaning

1. Call off D A. To solve or understand something.

2. Come across F B. To stop trying.

3. Figure out A C. To postpone something.

B D. To cancel something that was planned.

4. Give up

G E. To resemble a family member in

5. Go on appearance or personality.
6. Put off F. To discover something by chance.
7. Take after G. To continue to happen
Inseparable Phrasal Verbs: Practice Makes Perfect
• Choose the correct inseparable verb to complete the sentences.

Paul figured out how to answer the math question.
Phrasal Verbs
put off
• called off Lisa her tasks till tomorrow.
called off
• come across They the meeting because the guest speaker
• figured out was sick.
going on
• give up She wondered what was in the next room.
came across
• going on Zoe an old photo when she was cleaning
• put off the attic.
give up
• takes after No matter how long it took, Brad didn’t on his
takes after
April her father in terms of artistic ability.
Types of Phrasal Verbs: Practice Makes Perfect
• Say whether the following phrasal verbs expresses action, direction or

Phrasal Verb Sentence Action Direction Emphasis

Blake tried to pick up the box, but it was too heavy.

Blair looked up at the sky and admired the shining

Jess turned down the job offer because it didn't
pay well.
Helen walked into the room and saw that everyone
was already there.

Tommy ran away from the angry dog at the park.

The teacher called out his student that was not

paying attention in class.
Choose the Correct Phrasal Verb to Match the Sentences

1. They made plans to ________

hang outout
at the
at the
on Friday.
on Friday.
(a. hang; b. look; c. bring)
a. hang b. look c. bring
2. Dad said ________
turn the TV
TV _______.
(a. put off; b. call off; c. turn off)
a. put off b. call off c. turn off
3. I have to _________
put up with
my sisters
loud music.
loud music.
(a. put; b. get; c. go)
a. put b. get c. go
4. Sally _________
broke downdown
the the
(a. broke; b. turned; c. put)
a. broke b. turned c. put
5. They ___________
called off the
the concert
due todue
bad weather.

a. turned b. called c. broke

Choose the Correct Phrasal Verb to Match the Sentences

6. Sarah promised to _______

look after
I was
I was
a. hold b.call c. look

7. Luke turned
becauseit itdidn’t
a. set b. break c. turned

8. She _______
ran into into
the store
the store
to buy
to buy
a. break b.ran c.c.let

9. John walked ________

out of theofroom
the room
and slammed
and slammed
the door.
the door.
a. out b. take c.

10.The coach _________

called outout
a. get b. called c.c.put
Phrasal Verb Discussion
1. Has there ever been a time when you didn’t get along with someone? What did
you to in the situation?

2. Did you ever call off an event? What event was it, and why was it called off?

3. Have you ever broke down at the workplace? What happened?

4. Did you every turn down a job offer? Why did you turn it down?

5. Did you ever look after a child or an elderly person? Who was it, and what was
it like?

6. What’s something that you would never give up on?

7. What helps you go on when something gets tough?

8. Do you take after someone in your family?

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