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“We don’t receive
wisdom; we must
discover it for ourselves
after a journey
that no one can take for
us or spare us.”
-Marcel Proust
Concept and the Development in

“Philosophy is a kind of journey, ever

learning yet never arriving at the ideal
perfection of truth.”
- Albert Pike –

❖ Meaning and Importance of Philosophy

❖ Pioneers in the Various Field of Learning
❖ Philosophical Schools of Thought
❖ Philosophy and the Truth
At the end of the lesson, the students should:
❖ Deduce the meaning of philosophy according to how
we understand different phenomena and point out
its importance
❖ Trace the development of philosophy
❖ Identify the pioneers in the different fields of learning

❖ Compare and contrast the different philosophical

schools of thought
❖ Identify the different theories in determining the
truth and discuss its salient points and connection
As a human being, how do
you apply your knowledge in
philosophy in view of
understanding the different
things you encountered in
your everyday life?

 Philosophy is derived from Greek words “philo” and “Sophia”as

introduced by Phythagoras. By its etymological definition, philosophy
means “love for wisdom”. Wisdom consists in not merely acquiring the
basic ideas but knowing, learning and ascertaining these ideas to
satisfy one’s quest. This act pertains to the acquisition and possession
of truth gained through one’s perceptivity of the things and facts
around him which an ordinary mind does not readily care to acquire
and accept. Heraclitus, a Greek Philosopher contended that
philosophy did not mean to be the possession of multiple facts along
but a unified view of reality (Terry, in Mendoza & Apolinar, 2008).
 Man is not satisfied by knowing only about things
around him. Inquiry does not end in receiving a
response. After a response is received, another
question follows until one is fully ascertained. Nothing
goes to waste for the quest for deeper knowledge
continues. Followers of Aristotle and St. Thomas
Aquinas defined philosophy as learning the profound
knowledge of the first cause attained by reason
(Terry, in Mendoza & Apolinar, 2008)
An individual will develop satisfaction once he
achieve a vivid meaning derived from a better
outcome of the search being made as well as to a
possible development of a philosophy or belief.
Therefore he will derive the best as soon as he
become cognizant of his own ideas to make
choices and decisions in a wise manner.
By simple definition, Philosophy is a quest answer
to an inquiry. As an individual finds out the
correct answers to his questions, he derives
pleasure arriving at its correct meaning.
Philosophy includes searching, looking into, and
seeking. However, even one might have the prior
information already, they still aim and insist to
know more, to explore and discover further in
searching until finds satisfaction, thus, an
individual feels enriched with more ideas he
Philosophy involves the study of things within
the reach of man’s power to learn the cause
and the reasons of his quest for ultimate
explanation of his existence. This calls for a
deeper reflection and speculation about the
world and the human beings. Philosophy as
“certa cognito per causas” means it is a kind of
knowledge achieved only through investigation
of its origin and cause.
 Philosophy would mean systematic and logical
explanation to the nature, existence, purpose and
relationship of things including human being in the
universe (Calderon in Mendoza & Apolinar, 2008). It calls
for systematic and logical explanation of the nature.
Base on the formation of a philosophy consist of a well-
arranged and sequential point of views and concepts to
be used as valid foundation in the selection of practices
and plans to be adapted. A better presentation to show
the proper connection of ideas must be included .
Further the philosophers, having passion for
wisdom continue their quest for the meaning of
life, of what could be done and what could be
implemented for the humanity. One must
carefully take note that the goal in the search is
one of the human worth. The unending quest does
not end with a response but the search goes on.
For a philosopher, the query does not end; it
continues and the more he spends time in his
quest, the greater is its return of satisfaction.
Finally Philosophy as a discipline is composed of
three main branches which includes:
a. Metaphysics that tells about human reality. It
discusses about origin and essence of things in
relation to the causes and ends of things.
What is the meaning of man’s existence?
What is the purpose of his life?
Is there life after death?
b.Epistemology- discusses about the
truth and knowledge derived through
senses, those formed in the mind,
and those related to feelings. It also
refers to cognitive learning where
reason, inference and caused are
looked into. Logic is included here.
c. Axiology- deals with the values and reasons
including the science of morality which is Ethics. It
also includes Aesthetic Philosophy dealing with
beauty and its opposite. It deals with questions on
religion, social, and even political aspects.
Is man a social being?
What is abortion?
Does God really exist?
 Philosophyis considered very essential as one of the fields to study
concepts related to truth and knowledge. The following are the
importance why we need to deal with the study of Philosophy:
 1. People can clarify what they are believing.
 2. We can be stimulated to think of ultimate questions.
 3. Philosophy promises us better understanding of ourselves.
 4.It enables us to think carefully and clearly about important
 5.Studying philosophy sharpens our analytical abilities, enabling
to identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in any
 6. It hones your ability to construct and articulate cogent (easy &
clear) arguments of your own.
 7.In studying philosophy, we learn to take a step back from our
everyday thinking and to explore the deeper, bigger question which
underpins our thoughts.
 8. It prompts you to do work across disciplinary boundaries and to
think flexibly and creatively about problems which do not present
immediate solutions.
 9. Because philosophy is an activity as much a body of knowledge, it
also develops your ability to think and work independently.
 10. The focus in the study of philosophy is to learn not what to
believe, but how to think.
Give at least three definitions of Philosophy:
 1.
 ______________________________________________________________
 2.
 ______________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________
After knowing the importance of
philosophy, it is time for you to reflect on
how philosophy gave an impact towards
you as a human person. Share your
thoughts by writing a reflective essay on
how philosophy became important to you
using your experiences or maybe your goals
in life.

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