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 How do you define the boundaries between your work and leisure time?
 What strategies do you use to maintain a healthy work-life balance?
 How do you prioritize your leisure activities when you have a busy work schedule?
 Do you believe that leisure activities outside of work contribute to your overall
productivity? Why or why not?
 What role does leisure play in reducing stress and enhancing your overall well-
 Have you ever experienced challenges in separating work-related thoughts from
your leisure time? How did you overcome them?
 How do you approach finding meaningful leisure activities that align with your
personal interests and values?
 Do you prefer engaging in leisure activities alone or with others? Why?
 In what ways do you integrate leisure activities into your daily or weekly routine?
 How do you recharge and rejuvenate yourself durin g your leisure time to ensure
you are energized for work?
Sarah and Jamie stood on their tiptoe and gave the card
from their school to the tall man behind the counter of a
farm. The man frowned and made a face. "So, you're
looking for some work. And who are you?" "I'm Sarah. I’m Tiptoe- edge, heel
twelve. This is my brother Jamie; he's eleven.“ "Shouldn't
you be at school?"
"We are on holiday. And would like to earn some money and disapproval,
support our parents." The man lifted his hat and scratched displeasure
his head. "Working in the farm is a quite tough job for kids
like you. I need somebody big and strong to work here," he
said. "There must be some work for us in this big farm. Tough- difficult
Could you please find one?" Sarah pleaded. "And right.
Let's see. Do you know what a Cabbage White is?" the man
asked. Pleaded- begged ,
"Yes. It's a beautiful white butterfly that lays its eggs on
cabbages. And those eggs change into caterpillars.",
answered Sarah. "And do you know what the caterpillars
do?“ "They eat the cabbage leaves!"
Aren't you afraid of caterpillars?"

asked the man. "Not at all." retorted Sarah. “All right. So, I
think I have a job
Retorted – answer,
for you.“ "Oh! Thank you very much. And what is the reply
work?", they said. I want you to check every single
cabbage in the garden and eliminate all the caterpillar
man. "" wondered Jamie. "You pick them off and Eliminate--- remove
collect them." "Is it all right if we collect them in one of
these pails?"
“All right.“ "How much will you pay us?" Sarah asked. "Let
me see how you get on, first. If I am happy with your work,
Pails --- bucket
I'll not disappoint you with the pay. I'll be in the
greenhouse. Get started and I'll see you later."
Jamie said. cabbage that makes there a billion
caterpillars!“ Shortly, armed with a pail each, the children Greenhouse ----
approached the cabbage patch. It was so enormous.
"There must be a million cabbages here!" "At least! Sarah nursery
said. "And if there are ten caterpillars on each Sarah stood
open-mouthed. The job looked really tough.
Jamie wondered about her arithmetic but knew
better than to dispute. They started on the first
row of cabbages. It was really a hideous job.
The caterpillars wriggled as they were picked Dispute – debate,
up. It took the two children ages to finish the argue
first row, and already they couldn't see the
bottom of their buckets for caterpillars. And all Hideous –horrid, ugly
around them, the air was filled with Cabbage
White butterflies. The insects seemed to be
mocking them. They seemed to be saying: "We
don't care if you kill our caterpillars. We can --- short movement,
lay millions of eggs." twist
Sarah and Jamie were now very desperate.
Gaily –happy ,cheerful
Sarah struck out at a butterfly. She missed, of
course. watched it fly gaily away. Then she had
an idea, as brilliant in its way as Einstein
coming up with e=mc2.
Jamie, caterpillars come from eggs, right?"
He nodded at her remarks.

"And where do eggs come from?" she

inquired further. The Butterflies lay them."
"Right. So", she reasoned, "if we get rid of the
butterflies, there won't be any

more eggs or caterpillars." "Right." Jamie

Nodded- nod/ shaking the head
"So, why don't we get rid of the butterflies?"

"How?" he asked.
Nearby, there were beans climbing up
bamboo poles. Sarah removed two
poles. Two bean plants died. She
handed one of the poles to Jamie, and
then rushed into the cabbage patch,
swinging her pole round and round
trying to hit the butterflies. This
seemed to Jamie like a good game, so
he followed her. It is not easy to hit
flying butterflies, but it is not difficult
to hit them when they settle on
cabbages. Soon the ground was
covered with dead butterflies.
Sarah and Jamie fought on until
they were completely exhausted
Then they stood back to admire
their work. There were hardly any
butterflies left. There were hardly
any cabbages left, either. It is
difficult to hit a butterfly on a
cabbage without hitting the
cabbage too. The cabbage patch
looked like a battlefield. Not a
cabbage was left standing. The
children looked at each other.
Without a word, they put down the Exhausted – tired
bamboo poles and tiptoed out of
the garden.

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