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J Sevugan Rajkannu
Assistant Professior
NIT Trichy
Primary Parts of Structures
Cable stayed Bridge
Cables are flexible structures that support the applied transverse
loads by the tensile resistance developed in its members.
Cable Beam

Shear force &

Only Tension
Bending Moment
Main Cable

Bridge Deck

Deflected shape under external load

Deflected shape under its own self-weight

Deflected shape of the cable affects the analysis

Cables Under Point Loads


Loads are non-symmetric


Cables subjected to Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)
Step-2 Free body diagram

Step-2 Section @ origin

Since it is a cable only one force

will be there at section point (ie)
Tension force (To) at origin only
Step-3 Equilibrium equation as whole

Knowing one side reaction we can

find other side reaction using
Equilibrium Equation.

To find the Equation for the tension force

in the member over the length of cable.
Cut at an orbitory section at some distance x
Finding the overall length of cable
• Cables are flexible structures that support the applied transverse loads by the
tensile resistance developed in its members.

• Cables are used insuspension bridges, tension leg offshore platforms,

transmission lines, and several other engineering applications. The
distinguishing feature of a cable is its ability to take different shapes when
subjected to different types of loadings. Under a uniform load, a cable takes
the shape of a curve, while under a concentrated load, it takes the form of
several linear segments between the load’s points of application.

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