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Development, Growth, Aging

Fertilization, the union of the oocyte and sperm, results in a zygote.
Early Cell Division
The cells of the early embryo are pluripotent (capable of making any cell of
the body). In the very early stages of development, the cells are totipotent,
meaning that each cell can give rise to any tissue necessary for development.
Morula and Blastocyst
The product of fertilization undergoes divisions until it becomes a mass
called a morula and then a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst.
Implantation of the Blastocyst and Development
of the Placenta
The blastocyst implants into the uterus about 7 days after fertilization.
The placenta is derived from the trophoblast of the blastocyst.
Formation of the Germ Layers
All body tissues are derived from three primary germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm.
Development, Growth, Aging

Neural Tube and Neural Crest Formation

The nervous system develops from a neural tube that forms in the ectodermal
surface of the embryo and from neural crest cells derived from the
developing neural tube.
Somite Formation
Segments called somites, which develop along the neural tube, give rise to
the musculature, vertebral column, and ribs.
Formation of the Gut and Body Cavities
1. The digestive tract forms as the developing embryo closes off part of
the yolk sac.
2. The coelom develops from small cavities that fuse within the embryo.
Limb Bud Development
The limbs develop from proximal to distal as outgrowths called limb buds
Development, Growth, Aging

Development of the Organ Systems

1. The epidermis of the skin develops from the ectoderm, and the dermis
develops from the mesoderm or from neural crest cells. Melanocytes
and sensory receptors develop from neural crest cells.
2. The skeletal system develops from mesoderm or neural crest cells.
3. Muscle develops from myoblasts, which migrate from somites.
4. The brain and spinal cord develop from the neural tube, and the peripheral
nervous system develops from the neural tube and the neural
crest cells.
5. The special senses develop mainly as neural tube or neural crest cell
6. Many endocrine organs develop mainly as evaginations of the brain
or digestive tract.
7. The heart develops as two tubes fuse into a single tube, which bends
and develops septa to form four chambers.
Development, Growth, Aging

8. The peripheral circulation develops from mesoderm as blood islands

become hollow and fuse to form a network.
9. The lungs form as evaginations of the digestive tract. These evaginations
undergo repeated branching.
10. The urinary system develops in three stages—pronephros, mesonephros,
and metanephros—from the head to the tail of the embryo. The ducts
join the allantois, part of which becomes the urinary bladder.
11. The reproductive systems develop in conjunction with the urinary
system. The presence or absence of certain hormones is very important
to sexual development.

Growth of the Fetus

1. The embryo becomes a fetus at 60 days.
2. The fetal period, from day 60 to birth, is a time of rapid growth.
Aging and Death

1. Loss of cells that are not replaced contributes to aging.

■ A loss of neurons occurs.
■ Loss of muscle cells can affect skeletal and cardiac muscle function.
2. Loss of tissue plasticity results from cross-link formation between
collagen molecules. The lens of the eye loses the ability to accommodate.
Other organs, such as the joints, kidneys, lungs, and heart, also have
reduced efficiency with advancing age.
3. The immune system loses the ability to act against foreign antigens
and may attack self-antigens.
4. Many aging changes are probably genetic.
5. Death is the loss of brain functions.


A. Define genetics and explain how chromosomes are related to inheritance.

B. Explain how Mendel’s theories of genetics compare to modern concepts of genetics.
C. Define and give examples of phenotypes and genotypes.
D. Explain what a karyotype is.
E. Describe major patterns of inheritance.
F. Relate how mitosis differs from meiosis.
G . Explain how various genetic disorders can occur.

1. Genetics is the study of heredity, the characteristics children inherit

from their parents.
2. Genomic medicine uses an understanding of the biochemical relationship
between genes and disease to diagnose and manage disease.

Mendelian Genetics
1. The genes an organism has for a given trait is called the genotype.
The expression of the genes is called the phenotype.
2. Alleles are alternate forms of genes. A dominant allele masks the effects
of a recessive allele for the same trait.
3. An organism homozygous for a trait has two identical alleles for the
trait, whereas an organism heterozygous for a trait has two different
alleles for the trait.

Modern Concepts of Genetics

1. Chromosomes
■ Somatic cells have a diploid number of chromosomes, whereas
gametes have a haploid number. In humans, the diploid number is
46 and the haploid number is 23.
■ Humans have 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes and 1 pair of
sex chromosomes. Females have the sex chromosomes XX, and
males have XY.
■ A karyotype is a display of the chromosomes of a somatic cell during
metaphase of mitosis.
■ Chromosome pairs are called homologous chromosomes.
2. The genome consists of all the genes found in the haploid number of
chromosomes from one parent.
3. Each gene occupies a specific locus, or location, on a chromosome.
4. Alleles exist in many different forms, called multiple alleles.

5. Gene dominance
■ In complete dominance, the dominant allele masks the effects of
the recessive allele.
■ In codominance, two alleles at the same locus are expressed, so that
separate, distinguishable phenotypes occur at the same time.
■ In incomplete dominance, the dominant allele does not completely
mask the effects of the recessive allele.
6. Polygenic traits result from the interaction of many genes.
7. Sex-linked traits
■ Sex-linked traits are traits affected by genes on the sex chromosomes.
■ X-linked traits are affected by genes on the X chromosome, and
Y-linked traits are affected by genes on the Y chromosome.
■ X-linked traits are seen more frequently in males than in females
because males have only one X chromosome.

Meiosis and the Transmission of Genes

1. Meiosis results in the production of gametes.
2. A Punnett square can determine the probability of particular alleles
being transmitted to the next generation.
3. A carrier for a recessive trait is heterozygous for the trait, having one
normal allele and one disorder-causing allele.

Genetic Disorders
1. A mutation is a change in the number or kinds of nucleotides in DNA.
2. Some genetic disorders result from an abnormal distribution of chromosomes
during gamete formation.

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