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Past Perfect

He ate dinner. He did the washing up.

Which did he do first?

He ate dinner. He did the washing up.

Which did he do first?

He ate dinner
He ate dinner. He did the washing up.

Which did he do first?

He ate dinner

You could say he ate dinner

then he did the washing up.
He ate dinner. He did the washing up.

Which did he do first?

He ate dinner

You could say he ate dinner

then he did the washing up.
But that would be boring.
He ate dinner. He did the washing up.

Which did he do first?

He ate dinner

You could say he ate dinner

then he did the washing up.
But that would be boring.
Why not use a past perfect?
After he had eaten dinner, he did the washing up.
He had read the book so he knew the answers

He was tired because he had worked very hard

They were happy after they had finished the job

He was hungry because he hadn't eaten

Which action happened first?

He had read the book so he knew the answers

He was tired because he had worked very hard

They were happy after they had finished the job

He was hungry because he hadn't eaten

Which action happened first?

When do we use the past perfect?
He had read the book so he knew the answers

He was tired because he had worked very hard

They were happy after they had finished the job

He was hungry because he hadn't eaten

Which action happened first?

When do we use the past perfect?
To show which action in the past happened first.
Make sentences in the past perfect to
show what happened first or before
the pictures
Before Past

They were happy

Before Past

They had scored a goal They were happy

Before Past

They had scored a goal They were happy because

they had scored a goal

The Titanic sank


The Titanic sank because

it had hit an iceberg

The Titanic sank


There was a flood


There was a flood

There was a flood
because it had rained
a lot

They passed their exams


They passed their exams They passed their exams

because they had studied hard

He was hungry

He was hungry
He was hungry because Why?
he hadn't eaten all day
Past Perfect
Past Simple
·The machine caught the thief

·The machine caught the thief


·Before the machine caught

the thief,

·After ...

1) The machine caught the thief

Past Perfect
Past Simple
·The machine caught the thief
because he had tried to steal
some money
·The machine caught the thief

·Before the machine caught

the thief,

·After ...

1) The machine caught the thief

Past Perfect
Past Simple
·The machine caught the thief
because he had tried to steal
some money
·The machine caught the thief
after he had tried to steal
some money
·Before the machine caught
the thief,

·After ...

1) The machine caught the thief

Past Perfect
Past Simple
·The machine caught the thief
because he had tried to steal
some money
·The machine caught the thief
after he had tried to steal
some money
·Before the machine caught
the thief, he had tried to steal
some money
·After ...

1) The machine caught the thief

Past Perfect
Past Simple
·The machine caught the thief
because he had tried to steal
some money
·The machine caught the thief
after he had tried to steal
some money
·Before the machine caught
the thief, he had tried to steal
some money
·After he had tried to steal
some money, the machine caught
the thief

1) The machine caught the thief

Past Perfect
Past Simple
·He answered the phone because...

2) He answered the phone...

Past Perfect
Past Simple
·The cat fell asleep because...

3) The cat fell asleep...

Make sentences. Use WHEN

I didn't eat anything. I arrived at the restaurant.

I bought the tickets. I told my friends
I finished studying. I went shopping
The film started. I arrived at the cinema.

I hadn’t eaten anything when I arrived at the restaurant

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