Group 5 Presentation Future World of Works

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How Might We Prepare

Nigerians for the Future World

of Work

Presented by Group 5
What do we mean by the future world of
• The future world of work describes a
projection of how work, workers and
workplace would evolve over a period of
Human capital development and labor industry
• Large population (Uneducated & ill-equipped)
• Health and well-being of the working population
• Human capital development
• Infrastructure
• Tech development & skill transfer
Large population
Based on the worldometer elaboration of the latest
United Nations data, the current population of
Nigeria is 217,667,674
52.0 % of the population is urban (107,112,526
The median age in Nigeria is 18.1 years.
The number of unemployed individuals in the
country has hit 23m, a report by Jobberman in
collaboration with Young Africa Works and
Mastercard Foundation while the total number of
individuals in the labor force was fixed at 70m; 30m
women and 40m men.
Health and well-being

Health is Wealth, and Health influences many factors in life. In preparation for the future world of work,
the Healthcare of the youth and old alike must be well looked after, this also applies in the upcoming tech
revolution, after all what will software engineers be if their health is jeopardize.
Health is important because when work gets or can get tough and work related problems can affect our
physical, emotional and mental health. Common issues include job dissatisfaction, workplace injuries,
stress, discrimination and bullying, violence, accidental death and retirement. Although Nigeria's National
Health Insurance Scheme(NHIS), introduced in 1999, targets universal coverage, penetration remains
persistently low. Less than 5% of the population is currently enrolled in the NHIS, and an estimated 120
million Nigerians currently do not have health coverage.
This also relates with the health infrastructure of Nigeria and this involves the individuals, facilities and
buildings required to deliver world class healthcare. There are a total of 40,821 as produced by the ministry
of Health, If at least 60% are equipped with top class health care practitioners, with enforcing the
medical insurance coverage. Surely this will help to improve our healthcare in preparation for the future
world of work.
Human capital development
• Human Capital is the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an
individual or population, viewed in terms of their value or cost to an
organization or country.
• In 21st century, continuous improvement in the economy is due to
improvement in human capital 
•  It encompasses employee knowledge, skills , Technical know-how, good
health, and education.
• Basic physical infrastructure deficit severely undermines the
country’s prospects for economic growth and development in line
preparation of Nigerians for the future world of work.
• Using the International Futures model Nigeria need to focus on
infrastructure development and its potential benefits for the economy
and human development going into the 2040. 
Tech development & skill transfer
• South Africa and India has a program that enables them be equipped for
the future world of works in a lot of aspects like the medical industry and
the tech industry likewise which is why their forefront in all the major
companies we see today. So if we as a country should equip ourselves with
such knowledge and work towards the enlightenment of Nigerians, we
would be able to take the steering wheel in Development.
• Example India adopted an ambitious National Skills Development Policy
in 2009. South Africa is adjusting training strategies under the newly
created Ministry for Higher Education and Training.

• Reduce Unemployment
• Reduce Crime Rate
• Reduce Illiteracy and Skill Gap
• Industrial & Technological Growth 
• Reduce reliance on government for job opportunities
• Increase Productivity
• A country's population is its strength if it's citizens are productive.
Productivity is a core Economy booster; a major contribution to
Economic growth. Having said this, every citizen of Nigeria must be
ready and willing to be 'prepared' for future work space; they must
be willing to be part of the workforce
• Nigerians must realize their role in nation building; labor force.
1. Private Sector Must Lead the Upskilling Revolution
2. Public Sector Role: Policy Incentives for Building the
Workforce of the Future
3. Training Nigerians For The New Workforce To Be Relevant
In The AI and Technology Lead World Of Works.
Using the POEMS method of documenting,
People: We saw lots of facilitators but interacted personally with Mr
Frederick who is a trade testing officer at the skills upgrading and vocational
training centre, onike-yaba.
Environment: We saw different halls where different trades are being taught.
It was calm and serene although we didnt visibly sight any student
Object: we saw skill acquisition equipments like sewing machine, projector,
Message: Mr frederick informed us of his experience in the ministry of labour
stating that the country is tilting towards skill as opposed to certificates
obtained from higher institution. According to him, ‘‘there are more
graduates than employment opportunities and Nigeria is backward in
regards to industrialization”
Services: Over 70 skill trades such as plumbering, carpentery, auto
mechanics, fashion designing, artist, photography, painting, etc are being
POEMS Method
People: Mr. Jeremiah Joseph, Mr. Emmanuel Joseph
Objects: A Desktop, A Printer, Table, Chair, Fan, Calender, Air
Environments: Mr.Jeremiah Joseph was in a small corporate
building(YCT Microfinance Bank), a banking hall to be precise
while Mr. Emmanue was in his office.
Messages: During our discussion with Mr.Jeremiah Joseph he
made several points based on our question: Work in Nigeria is
entering the Jet Age, everyone and everything is going IT
inclined what took 4 people now takes One Operating System.
• Mr.Emmanuel also gave a very solid point that in his
field of work balancing sheets and drafts needed people
though it will take a long period of time but now it can
be done with EXCEL.

• He concluded that we can prepare Nigerians for the

future world of work by Including Tech Inclined
Courses into the School Curriculum because if
Nigerians are to be educated at a young age about the
job opportunities to be available then they will
definitely become equipped for it.
A Lecturer at Yaba College of Technology in the department of
• He believed that motivation for work is bad due to our type of
government and leadership. Work today is based on
connection then those who get it don’t care because of lack of
motivation due to the connection they received.
• He then concluded that Formal Edcation and Specified
Employment as a way to prepare Nigerians, If the Local
Government system shoud come in place and provide jobs
available in rurak areas to prevent rural/urban migration.
Persona Description: A Nigerian Undergraduate with M.S.C in
Industrial Physics from Abia State aged 25, Single and Unemployed, He
lives in Mushin Lagos, with Limited job openings in his field of study.
Jobs to be Done: He is hoping to get married as soon as he gets a job that
can pay a salary that can help him do such.
Use Cases: He learns of opportunity to skill up and switch career path
from a friend by enroling at a tech school to get tech skills training.
Gains: To better his earnings and employment opportunity
Pains: But he frowns at the concept about taking loans to sponsor his
tuition and new career path.

• We met Mr. Emmanuel Simon a Lecturer at Yabatech
• We were Suprised to notice that he was not only aware of the impact tech is
placing on things in the society at large but also believing that tech won’t be
• We wonder if this means the society is also aware that tech isn’t the only
pathway or job offering opportunity in the time to come.
•It would be game changing to Enlighten the public in general that there will
still be various forms of jobs out there and humans can even coexist in the
workplace with these androids.
HOW MIGHT WE Improve the upskill of
nigerians for the future world of work?
HOW MIGHT WE improve the upskill of nigerians for
the future world of work?
• Our society should place more value on funding and structuring her
educational system on specialized Technical know-how upskilling and skill
based education.
• Nigerians should place more emphasies on Tech and Digital skill
acquisitions that will create more job relevance and wealth creation
opportunities in the future world of works.
• Our society should encourage on the job trainings on globally relevant and
high income skills, knowledge transfer.
• Role of individuals: Individuals/Gen’z should invest in their self
development by taking up courses to improve their soft skills, especially if
their companies are not investing in their learning.
HOW MIGHT WE improve the upskill of nigerians
for the future worf of work?
• Creative Thinking: Employees today lack the ability to devise new ways to
perform tasks, meet challenges and solve problems. They are mostly told
what to do by their employers and supervisors. This could be attributed to
their level of interest or lack of experience.
• Decison making: Young people are exposed to a lot of information especially
through the Internet and lack the ability to filter the information received.
They need to know how to identify and evaluate options and then make sound
decisions that will positiviely impact productivity, employee morale, and the
Link course attendance to wider Cross sharing; having members Create more platform for
goals, show the citizens that of society and industries sign up sensitization of Nigerians to
their working towards their next to volunteer as trainers across place more emphasizes on Tech
big promotion opportunities sectors, departments, and digital skills acquisitions
community that need their that will create more job
knowledge. relevance/wealth creation
Subsidize training and tuition Give gifts,trophies or prizes and Our society shoud encourage on
fees and pay for cancelled susbsidized trainin(Gamification the job trainings on globally
courses and give prizes as incentive) relevant and high income skills,
Offer Tangible proof that and of Sponsoring the workforce for
some others to show people have advanced knowledge, technical
completed the course(show what know-how skill transfer and
others learnt while at it) specialized trainings.
Use of Technology for Greater
flexibility and engagement(offer
online or Hybrid)
For our prototype we used The Wizard of OZ method which has to
do with simulating a finished process or system.
So we developed an initiative which is Interested in building and
preparing nigerians for the Future world of work, so we tend to use
a survey form to access the readiness and areas of interests of
Nigerians that want to be trained in the future world of work;
Preparing Nigerians For the Future Upskilling Your Technical know-how for the future world of work Survey
World of Work Training Project. How can we improve the future?

This form is for the purpose of sampling those interested in applying to enroll for Training(s) to upskill their current
professional skill-sets and technical know-how through our joint private and community partnership project
initiative, aimed at either fully or partly funding for trainings, upskilling, skill-equipment and empowerment of the
physically challenged, the excluded minorities, female gender workforce inclusion and every citizen. In line with
our vision of solving the problems of “Preparing more Nigerians for the future world of work”.

About You (optional)

Marital Status: Married Single Age: Sex: Male Female Other
Health Conditions: Health Challenges or Allergies (please specify) …………………………………………………….
Physically Challenged: Yes No If yes please specify …………………………………………………………
Educational Qualifications (please tick): Non … O’ Level … Tertiary ... Advance/others (please specify) …….……….
Employment Status (please tick): Unemployed … Underemployed … Entrepreneur ... others (please specify) ………?
Current Average Monthly Income: ……………...? Other Source of Income …………………………………?
What is your opinion about working with advanced technologies, trainings and knowledge
How often do you come to How would you rate our [type of
[Company Name]? products]?
Every day Consistent high quality
4 or 5 times a week Generally good
3 or fewer times a week Quality varies daily
First time Poor quality

What do you typically purchase? How would you rate our [type of
[product 1] products]?
[product 2] Consistent high quality
[product 3] Generally good
[product 4] Quality varies daily
[product 5] Poor quality

What are the list of your current professional skill-sets …………………………………………………………………?

How do think opportunities to upskilling your technical know-how’s will improve your chances of living your
dreams, increase your earning capacity and cause you to remain relevant in the future world of works …………?
Will you have the time to commit to either or both? How often do you like to upskill and equip yourself for
Full time Hands-on Training the future world of works in other to deliver better
Part time Trainings (offline) product and services?
(Tick beside) Within Less than 1 a year time
Online Trainings
Between 1 to 3 minutes
Both (i.e. partly online or Offline)
Between 3 to 5 minutes
More than 5 Years and Above

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