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World trade vegetables.

Case study on Romanian mountain

Brîndușa Covaci, Centrul de Economie Montană (

Mihai Covaci – Universitatea Hyperion
The paper develops aspects of world trade in vegetable, classified in classes
06 - 15 according to the International Classification of Harmonized System
(HS). The case study refers to the vegetal products from the Romanian
mountain area. Plant products have a special nutritional and probiotic role in
the current pandemic context, in which the degree of immunity to disease
must increase. These products need promotion from both decision makers in
the public and private governance of the countries of the world. Thus, trade
in plant products must play an increasingly important role in global supply
and sales chains. The indicators analyzed in the research refer to the value
of world exports in 2020, the annual increase of exports in the periods 2016-
2020 and 2019-2020 (to observe the variation in the period COVID-19),
country growth export, world growth export, the competitive advantage of
countries that predominate in world trade of vegetable in the period 1988-
2019. The research methods of the paper have an exploratory qualitative
character, respectively official internet pages that refer to the aspects of
the paper, but also a statistical quantity, such as statistics in Excel and SPSS,
using parametric and forecast analysis.
Source: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics
Source: ITC calculations based on UN COMTRADE and ITC statistics
Mountain producers and related assortments of allium sativum (garlic) from Romania

Sursa: Agenția Națională a Zonei de Munte (2021), Registrul Național al Produselor Montane
Mountain producers and related assortments of allium cepa (onion) from Romania

Producători montani și sortimentele aferente de allium cepa (ceapă) din România

Sursa: Agenția Națională a Zonei de Munte (2021), Registrul Național al Produselor Montane
Mountain producers and related assortments of apples (Malus pumila) and pears (Pyrus communis) from Romania

Sursa: Agenția Națională a Zonei de Munte (2021), Registrul Național al Produselor Montane
The results of the paper show that the structure
of world trade in plant products has improved
considerably over the last 31 years.
The main conclusion of the research presents for
the similar forecast period ascending values ​with
sustained linear increases.
Regarding the structure of the mountain market
in Romania, both the number of producers and
products is constantly growing. This increase is
considered positive for consumers of Romanian
mountain products, their importance being
defining in a pandemic context.

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