1.2 Variables

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Key Skills

STRETCH: Identify variables

DEVELOP: Describe precision and accuracy
CHALLENGE: Use knowledge of precision, and
variables to analyse data.
- Accuracy
- Variation

Identify and describe the different types of variables

Identify the variables in this experiment:

Adding different amounts of water to a plant could affect its growth.

To investigate this, plant some seeds and water each plant with
different amount over time.
Independent variable?
Dependent variable?
Control variable?
The independent variable is the volume of water given to each plant.

The dependent variable is how high the plant grows.

Control variables include the size of pots, the type of soil and the
position in a room.
Fair test?

When you stop all the control variables from

changing in an experiment, you carry out a fair
A fair test is an experiment in which only the
independent variable can cause a change in the
dependent variable.

In this kind
Sometimes it isof investigation
difficult to stop all theyou usevariables
control a
changing. This is particularly true when an investigation
happens over a long time.
control is an identical set of apparatus to
example, the air temperature and amount of light may
the setduring
change usedtheindaythe experiment,
when but without
an all-day experiment is done.
the independent variable.


Accurate measurements are those close to what they should be.

We know the temperature of the human body is 37°C. An accurate
thermometer will give us this value (unless we are poorly and have
a temperature).
Taking repeat readings or measurements when needed will
increase the accuracy and reliability to help you to spot any

Science experiments are often repeated several times.

Precise measurements are those that have been repeated and
are similar.
If you timed yourself running around the local park or
playground several times and you got similar results, they
would be precise.



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