Build Self Confidence

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How To Build Self

How Confident You
What is Self-
How to build Your
Self –
1.Changing your perspective
2.Setting Out
...Identify your talents...
...SWOT Analysis...
Recognize your insecurities.
...Talk about it with
friends/loved ones...
...Bounce back from your

...Adopt a more positive


...Stop comparing with

2. Setting Out...
“Accept compliment
“Look in the mirror & smile ”
“Fake it”
“Help Others...”
“Stick to your principles”
“Get rid of many sources of
negativity as you can...”
“Put care into your appearance”
“Be knowledgeable”
3. Continuing....
...Avoid perfectionism...

...Be Thankful fOr what You Have...

...Address the flaws you can address..

...Get good at something...
“Out from your comfort zone”

...Spend time with people who make you feel great...

“Live in the present...”

Words just for You....
“What matters most is how you see yourself”
“...I am not what has happened to me..I am what I choose to become..”

..Confidence never come from having all the answers but; it comes from being
open to all questions..

..If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule NEVER LIE TO YOURSELF..

“No one make you feel inferior without your consent”

“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from from doing what you can do”

..Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person that you are...

“I’m good at being me..I might not be proud of some of the things I’ve done in
the past, but I’m proud of who I am today”

..Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong, even a

stopped clock is right twice a day..

Be Yourself & Be Confidence....

Last but not least.....
“Love is an untamed force..
When we try to control it, it destroys us..When we try to
imprison it, it enslaves us...When we try to understand it, it
leaves us feeling lost & confused..”

Any question????....

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