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Packaging Prepared Food Stuff

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. give the meaning of packaging, its importance
and functions; and
2. select appropriate packaging material.
4 Pic 1 Word
4 Pic 1 Word
• Alluminum
4 Pic 1 Word
• Cardboard
4 Pic 1 Word
• glass
4 Pic 1 Word

• Cotton cloth
• Packaging is essential for preserving food
quality, minimizing food waste and
reducing preservatives used in food.
Food Packaging
• is packaging of food which requires
protection, tampering resistance,
and special physical, chemical, or
biological needs. It also shows in the
product label any nutrition
information on the food being
• The main aims of packaging are to
keep the food in good condition until
it is sold and consumed, and to
encourage customers to purchase the
product. Correct packaging is
essential to achieve both these
• If food are not properly packed, the
packaging process can become a
source of contamination
Functions of Food Packaging
1. Packaging protects the food product
from damage or contamination by
microorganism, air, moisture and
toxins. Delicate products such as fruits
need to be protected by a rigid package
such as laminated container. They must
be protected against microorganisms,
chemicals, soil and insects
Functions of Food Packaging
2. Packaging is important to keep the
product together, to contain it, so it
does not spill. Some shapes cannot be
easily packed. There are vegetables
that fit into cans. Some food stuffs
need to be contained in packages to
hold them together and sealed to
prevent spillage and loss.
Functions of Food Packaging
3. Packaging is a way of
advertising the products. It is
used to identify the product. The
package contains the color,
scheme or logo and important
information, including the
ingredients and sell by date
Functions of Food Packaging
4. Packaging is important in stacking
and storing. Packages are stacked
on top and alongside each other to
reduce wasted space. The shape
and form of the package determine
how efficiently they can be stacked
or stored.
Types of Packaging Materials

–The most common packaging

materials used by food
manufacturers are plastics,
aluminum and cardboard,
glass bottles, and paper
The use of various plastics for containing
and wrapping food depends on what is
available. Plastics are extremely useful as
they can be made in either soft or hard
forms, as sheets or containers, and with
different thickness, light resistance, and
flexibility. The filling and sealing of plastic
containers is similar to glass containers.
Glass has many properties which make it a popular
choice as a packaging material:
– Glass is able to withstand heat treatments such as
pasteurization and sterilization.
– Does not react with food.
– Protects the food from crushing and bruising
– Resistant to moisture, gases, odors and microorganisms
– Re-usable, re-sealable and recyclable
– Transparent, allowing products to be displayed.
– Coloured glass may be used either to protect the food
from light or to attract customers
• Paper is an inexpensive packaging material. It
is however highly absorptive, fairly easily
torn, and offers no barrier to water or gases.
• The degree of paper re-use will depend on its
former use, and therefore paper that is dirty
or stained should be rejected. Newsprint
should be used only as a outer wrapper and
not be allowed to come into direct contact
with food, as the ink used is toxic.
Metal cans have a number of
advantages over other types of
They provide total protection of the
They are tamperproof. they are
convenient for presentation.

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