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By: Shubhangi Piya
Computing [C12]
Artificial Intelligence
 Capacity to think, to learn from experience, to solve
problem and to adopt to new situation.

 Make the computer, devices and machine as intelligence as

human and

 Perform the task like other living things

Machine Learning
Provide systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience
without being explicitly programmed

Machine learning is the practice of getting machines to make decisions without being
Deep Learning
 Models are trained by using a large set of labeled data
and neural network architectures that contain many

Here are the different types of deep learning:

 Convolution Neural Networks.

 Recurrent Neural Network.
 Long ShortTerm Memory Network.
 Multilayer Perceptron’s.

I have used Convolution Neural Network in my

project. It is one of the most popular types of deep
neural networks. A CNN uses 2D convolutional layers,
making this architecture well suited to processing 2D
data, such as images
Convolution Neural Network
 A deep learning algorithm to do image recognition, image classification.this is used
to detect objects and recognize faces.

 CNN takes an input image, process it and classify it under certain categories as

 Computer doesn’t see an image like person, but it sees an image as array of pixels,
and it depends on the image resolution

 Convolutional neural network is composed of multiple building blocks like

convolution layers, pooling layers, fully connected layers.
Reason for selection of this topic
 Locking down the country time and again is not the solution, we
should be able to come back to our normal life following the
safety precautions like wearing mask, sanitizing ourselves and
maintaining physical distance

 In institute and place where the flow of people is more, it is very

difficult to make people follow safety rule.

 Artificial intelligence can be used to make the system to detect

whether the person is wearing mask or not , and alarm system or
automatic gate close system can be built to control the flow of
 This system can be used in school, college, shopping malls, cinema
house and other offices also, if the person is not wearing mask we
can make system to give alarm or close the door.
Application detecting face mask:

If the person is wearing mask, the If the person is not wearing mask, the
system will display “Mask on, Thank you”. system will display “No mask”.
How my project solves real world problem
The system I have developed can detect whether the person is wearing mask or not
wearing the mask.

 My system uses the camera of the laptop to take the video.

 This system can be used in the school,

college, super market entrance gate
and CCTV camera can be used to take videos,
and alarm can be given if person not
wearing mask.
Pseudocode of my project


IMPORT libraries

READ dataset
TRAIN for model
IMPORT Dataset
SAVE model
SAVE images with labels
LOAD Model DISPLAY label on face
CONVERT dataset images into suitable form
WHILE true ASK for user input
SAVE images dataset with labels
OPEN Camera IF input data == quit
SAVE images
CONVERT images into array
USE module ELSE
KEEP the data set with proper labeling
SPLIT dataset for training and testing
DISPLAY rectangle on Face END IF
DIM EPOCHS and other information for base model and

How to run the face detection project

 Open command prompt

 Move to the path of located folder

 Type python <filename>.py to run the file

 This frame will automatically load the files and open the webcam

 If the person on camera is wearing mask it will display a green rectangle box

around the face with a message ‘Mask on.Thank you’.

 If the person on camera is not wearing a mask it will display a red rectangle

box around the face with a message ‘No Mask’.


 This study demonstrates how a mask detector can be used in public

services to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
 The mask detection module provides details when people do not use masks
in public locations.
 After detection, the system can perform any task as per directed through
coding if the person is not wearing mask, for example, alarm system,
closing gate, door or main entrance.
Lets wear a mask to protect each other!

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