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Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) & Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Lecture 3: - 21 August 2023

Lecturer: Mrs S.A Brown
 Introduction
 Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)
 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
 Health Goal
 Difference between MDGs and SDGs
 Objectives of NEPAD
 Questions
The Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) were the eight international
development goals for the year 2015
that had been established following
the Millennium Summit of the United
Nations in 2000, following the adop-
tion of the United Nations Millen-
nium Declaration.
All 189 United Nations member states at the time (there
are 193 currently), and at least 23 international organi-
zations, committed to help achieve the following Mil-
lennium Development Goals by 2015:

1) To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

2) To achieve universal primary education
3) To promote gender equality and empower women
4) To reduce child mortality
5) To improve maternal health
6) To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
7) To ensure environmental sustainability
8) To develop a global partnership for development
Health goal
Health targets

The health goal has nine targets and

four subpoints.
Difference Between MDGs and SDGs
 There are some major differences between MDGs and SDGs
 MDGs were drawn up by a group of experts in the ‘basement of UN
headquarters’ whereas SDGs have evolved after a long and extensive
consultative process.

 While MDGs were focused with only 8 goals, 21 targets and 63 indicators,
SDGs include 17 goals with 169 targets.
Difference between MDGs and SDGs (Continued)
 MDGs had a focus on developing countries with funding coming from rich
 The pillars of human development, human rights, and equity are deeply
rooted in SDGs
 MDGs had a time span of 25 years though adopted in 2002 baseline data for
the year 1990 was used
 Acronym “New Partnership for Africa’s Development”
 Vision and strategic plan for Africa’s renewal
 The organization of the African Union tasked the heads of Algeria, Egypt,
Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa with the development and integrated socio-
economic development framework for Africa.
Objectives of NEPAD
 The main objectives are to eradicate poverty and to place African countries on
the path of sustainable development.

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