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Business Communication

(A2 Level)
Unit 2
the exchange of info between

What is effective communication

communication? • received and understood by receiver

• sender knows it has been understood
• must have feedback – only then effectiveness of
communication can be judged
• All businesses communicate
• Externally
What is • suppliers, customers, shareholders,
government, etc
• Internally
• among staff, from management to
employees, etc
• Staff motivation
• Number and quality of ideas generated
Why is • Speed of decisions made
effective • Speed of response to market changes
internal • Reduces the risk of errors
communication • Effective coordination between departments

• Oral
• Written
Media used in • Electronic
communicating • Visual
• Importance of written record

Factors • Staff input necessary/not

• Cost

deciding • Speed
• Quantity of data needed to be communicated
choice of • Clarity
• Size & geographical spread of the business
Failure in one of the stages of the communication
• Ability of the sender – how much/well the sender understands the
message he is trying to send
• technicalities and jargon
• Channel of communication is too long
Barriers to • Information overload

effective Poor attitudes of either the sender or the receiver

communication • Sender is not trusted
• Unmotivated or alienated workers make poor receivers

Physical reasons
• Noisy condition
• Geographical distance
1. Ensure message is clear, precise, but adequately communication
2. Keep communication channel as short as
3. Make sure channels are clear to all involved
4. Allow feedback to happen so that problems can
be checked and revised quickly
5. Establish trust between sender and receiver
6. Ensure physical conditions are appropriate for
messages to be sent and received
• Recognised as part of
organisation structure
• Chain network
• Vertical network
Formal • Wheel network
Communication • The circle
• The integrated/connected
• One-way
• Does not allow/encourage
• Receiver can’t question
• Sender does not know whether
Other types of message has been received and
communication • Message board, notices

• Horizontal communication
• Between people of the same status
• Different departments may have
differing opinions
• Not part of organisation structure but happens
• Can lead to rumours/exaggeration if not
• May not be reliable, almost impossible to trace
Informal • May be counter-productive
communication • But sometimes beneficial – when
ideas/suggestions are communicated to
management via formal channels
• Management may use informal channel to
encourage discussion of new ideas/suggestions

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