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Tropical Depression

and Southwest Moonsoon

Ifugao Province Situation:
Weather condition for Ifugao province, cloudy;
Power: Municipality of Tinoc and Alfonso lista
reported power outage this morning but Alfonso
Lista was restored.
Communication: Only Municipality of Banaue
reported communication is Unstable for Globe and
TM Network;
As of today no reported incident; and
All roads are passable;
Preparedness Measures:
 24/7 duty for the emergency operation center;
 Daily monitoring of AOR;
 Cascade information dissemination;
 Close coordination with PDRRMC members;
 There are at least 30 volunteers and responders on standby;
 Two conditioned heavy equipment for response – on standby;
 SAR gadgets and equipment are available ;
 Continuity of partnership through MOA with suppliers for immediate relief
assistance; and
 Implement the use of pre-emptive and force evacuation to disaster prone areas
if necessary.
Ways Forward:

The PDRRMC will Convene for

PDRA after.
The EOC will be activated on alert
status align to the status of the

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