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Cloud computing
is a type of Internet-based computing that provides shared
computer processing resources and data to computers and
other devices on demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous,
on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing
resources (e.g., computer networks, servers, storage,
applications and services),[1][2] which can be rapidly provisioned
and released with minimal management effort.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
G Suite (formerly Google Apps for Work and Google Apps for
Your Domain)
is a brand of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration
tools, software and products developed by Google, launched
on August 28, 2006.[1] G Suite comprises Gmail, Hangouts,
Calendar, and Google+ for communication; Drive for storage;
Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and Sites for collaboration; and,
depending on the plan, an Admin panel and Vault for managing
users and the services.[2][3]
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Social media
are computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation
and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other
forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Facebook Platform
is an umbrella term used to describe the set of services, tools,
and products provided by the social networking service
Facebook for third-party developers to create their own
applications and services that access data in Facebook.[1]
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is a microblogging and social networkingwebsite founded by
David Karp in 2007, and owned by Yahoo! since 2013.[1][3][4][5][6]
The service allows users to post multimedia and other content
to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs
EmpTech Q2 Contents
web page, or webpage
is a document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and
web browsers. A web browser displays a web page on a
monitor or mobile device. The web page is what displays, but
the term also refers to a computer file, usually written in HTML
or comparable markup language.
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is a cloud-based web development platform that was first
developed and popularized by the Israeli company also called
Wix. It allows users to create HTML5 web sites and mobile
sites through the use of online drag and drop tools.[1] Users
may add functionality such as social plug-ins, e-commerce,
contact forms, e-mail marketing, and community forums to their
web sites using a variety of Wix-developed and third-party
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Weebly (/ˈwibli/)
is a web-hosting service featuring a drag-and-drop
website builder.[2][3][4] The company is headquartered in
San Francisco. The company was founded by
Chief executive officer David Rusenko, Chief technology officer
Chris Fanini, and Chief operating officer Dan Veltri.[5][6]
EmpTech Q2 Contents
A blog (a truncation of the expression "weblog")[1]
is a discussion or informational websitepublished on the
World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-
style text entries ("posts"). Posts are typically displayed in
reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post
appears first, at the top of the web page. Until 2009, blogs were
usually the work of a single individual,[citation needed] occasionally of
a small group, and often covered a single subject or topic.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with
time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which
was bought by Google in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted
by Google at a subdomain of blogspot.com. Blogs can also be
hosted in the registered custom domain of the blogger (like
www.example.com).[4] A user can have up to 100 blogs per
EmpTech Q2 Contents
is a free and open-source content management system (CMS)
based on PHP and MySQL.[5] WordPress is installed on a
web server that is either part of an Internet hosting service or a
network host in its own right. The first case may be a service
like WordPress.com, for example, and the second case could
be a computer running the software package WordPress.org.[6]
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LiveJournal / LJ or Zhivoy Zhurnal (Russian: Живой Журнал)/ZheZhe
(Russian: ЖЖ) in Russia,[4]
is a Russian social networking service where users can keep a blog,
journal or diary.[5] A wide variety of political pundits also use the
service for political commentary, particularly in Russia,[4] where it
partners with the online newspaper Gazeta.ru. As with many other
social networks, a wide variety of public figures use the network.
LiveJournal was started on April 15, 1999 by American programmer
Brad Fitzpatrickas a way of keeping his high school friends updated
on his activities.[6]
EmpTech Q2 Contents
issuu (/ˈɪsjuː/)
is a free electronic publishing platform for magazines, catalogs, and
In publishing, art, and communication, content
is the information and experiences that are directed towards an
end-user or audience.[1]Content is "something that is to be expressed
through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts".[2]
Content can be delivered via many different media including the
Internet, television, audio CDs, books, magazines, and live events,
such as conferences and stage performances.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Online tutoring
is the process of tutoring in an online, virtual environment or
networked environment in which teachers and learners are
separated by time and space. Online tutoring, as a reflection of
the diversity of the wider Internet, is practiced using many
different approaches and is addressed to distinct sets of users.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
User Experience (UX)
refers to a person's emotions and attitudes about using a
particular product, system or service. It includes the practical,
experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of
human–computer interaction and product ownership.
Additionally, it includes a person’s perceptions of system
aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency. User
experience may be considered subjective in nature to the
degree that it is about individual perception and thought with
respect to the system.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
is content that uses a combination of different content forms
such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive
content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only
rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional
forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia can be
recorded and played, displayed, interacted with or accessed by
information content processing devices, such as computerized
and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live
EmpTech Q2 Contents
including information science, computer science,
human-computer interaction, communication, and industrial design
,although all are related to interaction with computers and other
machines with a user interface.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Audio-to-video synchronization (also known as audio-video
sync, audio/video sync, lip sync, or by the lack of it: lip sync
error, lip flap)
refers to the relative timing of audio(sound) and video (image)
parts during creation, post-production (mixing), transmission,
reception and play-back processing. When sound and video
have a timing related cause and effect, AV-sync can be an
issue in television, videoconferencing, or film.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
An online game
is a video game that is either partially or primarily played
through the Internet or another computer network.[1] Online
games are ubiquitous on modern gaming platforms, including
PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres,
including first-person shooters, strategy games and
massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG).[2]
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Electronic assessment, also known as e-assessment,
online assessment, computer assisted/mediated assessment and
computer-based assessment
is the use of information technology in various forms of assessment
such as educational assessment, health assessment,
psychiatric assessment, and psychological assessment. This may
utilize an online computer connected to a network. This definition
embraces a wide range of student activity ranging from the use of a
word processor to on-screen testing. Specific types of e-assessment
include multiple choice, online/electronic submission,
computerized adaptive testing and computerized classification testing
EmpTech Q2 Contents
is a term that combines the words 'course' with 'software'. Its
meaning originally was used to describe additional educational
material intended as kits for teachers or trainers or as tutorials
for students, usually packaged for use with a computer. The
term's meaning and usage has expanded and can refer to the
entire course and any additional material when used in
reference an online or 'computer formatted' classroom.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
A browser game
is a computer game that is played over the Internet using a
web browser.[1]Browser games can be run using
standard web technologies[2] or browser plug-ins. The creation
of such games usually involves use of
standard web technologies as a frontend and other
technologies to provide a backend. Browser games include all
video game genres and can be single-player or multiplayer.
Browser games are also portable and can be played on
multiple different devices, web browsers, and operating
EmpTech Q2 Contents
A podcast
is an episodic series of digital audio files which a user can
subscribe to so that new episodes are automatically
downloaded via web syndication to the user's own local
computer, mobile application, or portable media player.[1] The
word arose as a portmanteau of "iPod" (a brand of media
player) and "broadcast". Thus, the files distributed are in audio
format, but may sometimes include other file formats such as
PDF or ePub. Videos which are shared following a podcast
model are called video podcasts or vodcasts.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Development communication
refers to the use of communication to facilitate
social development.[1] Development communication engages
stakeholders and policy makers, establishes conducive
environments, assesses risks and opportunities and promotes
information exchanges to bring about positive social change via
sustainable development.[2] Development communication
techniques include information dissemination and education,
behavior change, social marketing, social mobilization, media
advocacy, communication for social change and community
EmpTech Q2 Contents
In social science and politics, power
is the ability to influence or outright control the behavior of
people. The term "authority" is often used for power perceived
as legitimate by the social structure. Power can be seen as evil
or unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to
humans as social beings.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
A digital citizen
refers to a person utilizing information technology (IT) in order
to engage in society, politics, and government. K. Mossberger,
et al.[1] define digital citizens as "those who use the Internet
regularly and effectively".[2][3]
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Text messaging, or texting,
is the act of composing and sending electronic messages,
typically consisting of alphabetic and numeric characters,
between two or more users of mobile phones, fixed devices
(e.g., desktop computers) or portable devices (e.g.,
tablet computers or smartphones). While text messages are
usually sent over a phone network, due to the convergence
between the telecommunication and broadcasting industries in
the 2000s, text messages may also be sent via a cable network
or Local Area Network.
EmpTech Q2 Contents
Transcript of ICT as Platform to Change
EDSA and Cardinal Sin’s call to action via radio broadcast EDSA,
12:00 Midnight - Cardinal Sin's plea that the people help Ramos and
Enrile was taken literally. Thousands of people began massing
outside the rebel camps and supplying food for the soldiers. EDSA:
the use of text messaging to mobilize people. With the new Century
over a year old, technology has now played critical yet very different
roles in bringing two of the world’s leaders to power. Among others
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