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How to expand ideas?

Phát triển ý tưởng trong speaking
Speaking part 2
Describe a picture
Bước 1: Tổng quan về bức tranh
⮚ _ Look at the picture/ In the picture I can see:
_ The picture shows :

① a boy/ a man/ a girl/ a woman/ an old man
+ sitting/ standing/ lying …….
+ by herself/ himself
② a lot of people/ a group of people/ a group of students/ six
students/ a couple/ a family of 3 people
+ sitting/ standing/ lying/ attending/ gathering/ playing…
⮚ places
_ in the office/ in a room/ in her room/ in their house/ in the
park/ on the grass/ in the library/ in a coffee shop/ near the
Bước 2: Miêu tả chi tiết về người trong
bức tranh
_ Age/ Tuổi
① He’s/ She’s quite young, about 30 years old.

_They are quite young, around 20 to 30 years
_They are about 6 to 10 years old
_ The parents are about 30 years old and the
daughter is about 7.
Bước 2: Miêu tả chi tiết về người trong
bức tranh
Hair/ Tóc
① He/ She looks really attractive/ good-looking
+ short/ long /curly
+ black/ brown/ blond
+ hair

_ They both have blond hair.
_ They have different hair style and different color
Bước 2: Miêu tả chi tiết về người trong
bức tranh
Clothes/ Quần áo
① He/ She is wearing color + clothes
②They are all wearing casual/ formal
clothes with different colors.
• shirt, shorts, pants, jeans, dress, suit, tie
• long sleeve clothes; plaid shirt;
protection clothes; sport outfit; school
uniform, sport uniform,….
Đưa ra dự đoán về quốc tịch

• Base on his/her - look/appearance I think

he/she is from America or Europe/ Asia
• Base on their look/appearance I think
they are from America or Europe/ Asia
Background; Weather(nếu có)
_ In the back ground, there is/are +
⮚ A bookshelf full of books/ a lot of tall green trees.
_ The sky is blue and the weather is quite sunny so I
think it’s summer.
_ I think it’s a winter day because they are all wearing
long sleeve clothes.
_ There is snow everywhere so it must be in winter.
Bước 3: Miêu tả hoạt động, trạng thái
⮚ Hoạt động
The girl/ The man is holding/ reading/ looking at/
focusing on/ wearing headphones
• The woman is standing behind and putting her hand on
the man’s shoulder
• The boy is trying to balance the bike while his father is
bending over to help him.
• The children are playing volleyball while their parents
are watching them from behind
⮚ Trạng thái
• She’s smiling and looks very happy/ relaxed
• They’re all smiling and look very happy/ relaxed
Bước 4: Đưa ra dự đoán về bức tranh
1. Nghề nghiệp
• I guess he’s a reporter/ news-reader/ businessman
• Maybe he’s a professional dancer or he just love dancing to the
• I guess he’s a businessman and he’s discussing business with a
• 2. Hoạt động
• I think she/he is preparing for her/his upcoming exam. She/he
must be very studious.
• I guess they are celebrating the man’s birthday/ the special day.
They must be a very close family
• I suppose they are on their way to school and they travel by
school bus everyday.
• The way I see it, they are enjoying their weekend or holiday. They
must be a very close family.
Câu kết

Perhaps, this picture was taken by

⮚her friend/ another family member/ a
family photographer/ their teacher/ the
father/ the cinema staff/ his colleague/ his
Picture 1
Picture 1
⮚ The picture shows a lot of people, mostly women sitting in a
cinema. There are 3 to 4 people sitting on a row.
⮚ They are quite young, about 20 to 30 years old.
⮚ They have different hair style and different color skin
⮚ They are all wearing casual clothes with different colors.
⮚ Base on their appearance I guess they are from America or Europe.
⮚ I can see a few seats in the back are still empty
⮚ Three women in the front row are holding a pack of popcorn or a
plastic cup. They look very pretty.
⮚ All of the audiences are laughing and look very relaxed so I guess
they are watching a very interesting comedy.
⮚ I think it’s the evening and they are enjoying their weekend after a
hard-working week.
⮚ Perhaps this picture was taken by the cinema staff
1. Tell me about a time when you laughed a lot.

Last week, I came to a birthday party of my best

friend – Jane. She is not only gorgeous,
intelligent (smart) but also very (hilarious /
humorous). She told us a joke about a time she
met a guy in the Book club. She thought he was
her boyfriend and hugged him, she was so
embarrassed.  We all laughed a lot about her
funny story. 
2. Do you think people from different
countries laugh at different things?
• Of course/ Definitely, I believe people come from
different nations/countries would laugh at
different stories or situations.
• because we all were born and raised not in a
same way. We have different culture,
background, education and experiences so the
ways we see things happening around us are not
• Some people find a story or a movie funny and
laugh easily but others might feel offended and
not funny at all.
Picture 2
Picture 2
⮚ Look at the picture I can see a family of 5 people playing hula
hoop in the park.
⮚ The parents are standing behind the children.
⮚ The father and 2 boys are wearing a T-shirt and shorts while
the mother and the girl is in a long white dress. They are all
wearing casual clothes
⮚ Base on their appearance I think they are from Asia
⮚ In the background there are a lot of green trees.
⮚ The weather is quite sunny and cloudy so I think it’s summer
⮚ Each person has a big ring with different colors to play hula
⮚ They are all smiling and look very excited.
⮚ I think they are enjoying their weekend or holiday.
⮚ Perhaps this picture was taken by a family photographer
1. Tell me about a game you played when
you were a child  
• When I was little  I used to play lots of games, and
favourite is football.
• There were often 6 players in a team. I usually played
football in the nearby park with my classmates after
school. Playing fb did wonder for our health and
improved our height.
• At that time, a lot of children were into this game too.
• I had a lot of memories playing fb though sometimes I did
get minor injuries.
• I believe that this game is popular and familiar with
almost all Vietnamese children.
• Until now, though I’m quite busy with my work, I still play
fb at least twice a week. it makes me very strong and
*In my childhood i used to play a lot of games and among
them hide and seek was one of my most favorite. Luckily, I
rarely had to be the seeker and I was very good at finding
some secret places.
* Normally I played this game with 5 other friends after
school or during the weekends in a nearby park.
* I believe that this game is popular and familiar with
almost all Vietnamese children.
2. How have the children’s games changed
in the last 50 years?
• In my opinion, children’s games have changed a lot
during the last 50 years. In the past, kids preferred
doing outdoor activities such as playing football,
swimming, flying kites, hide and seek. They were
really active and fit.
• On the other hand, nowadays, because of the rapid
development of technology and the internet, children
are interested in watching TV, playing games on
smartphones or computers in their spare time. These
habits have negative effects on their health.
Picture 3
Picture 3
• In this picture I can see a man with his son playing outside on the
side walk.
• The man is about 30 years old and the child is about 5.
Both of them have black (blond/ brown) hair.
• Base on……….
• I guess it’s summer time because the weather’s quite sunny and
they’re both wearing casual short clothes.
• In the background there are a lot of tall green trees
• The boy is riding a mini-bike while the father is bending over to help
• They are both smiling and look very happy. I think they are enjoying
their weekend.
• Perhaps this picture was taken by the mother.
2. Tell me about a time you spent with your
family/ bạn và bố mẹ có thường xuyên
dành thời gian cho nhau không?
Well, personally, spending time with my family is
absolutely crucial/important although I live far away
from home. We have a lot of special occasions to
celebrate. I remember last christmas, I came back home
and felt really excited. I helped my parents decorate the
house, I put some lights and decorations on the
christmas trees. My house looked so lovely and cozy. We
also played some christmas songs all day. In the evening,
we invited grandparents for dinner and then we watched
the amazing comedy “Home alone”. We all laughed a lot
and I felt so happy. Christmas is one of the best holiday in
the whole year.
3. Is spending time with family important?
In my opinion, it’s absolutely necessary to spend time
with our family. First, talking or having a dinner with
other family members will help us relax and relieve stress
after a hard-working day.
Besides, watching films, cooking or doing anything
together also show our love and attention to them. If
people spend time with their family more often, it will
strengthen the relationship between family members
and bring them closer together.
Personally, although I live far away from my parents, I
always try to come back home on weekends or holidays
to spend time with my family.
PART 3: Compare 2 pictures
Cấu trúc bài so sánh 2 bức tranh
⮚ 1 câu tổng quan về bức tranh thứ nhất
+ 1-2 câu miêu tả chi tiết
⮚ 1 câu tổng quan về bức tranh thứ hai
+ 1-2 câu miêu tả chi tiết
⮚ 1-2 câu so sánh điểm giống/khác nhau giữa
2 bức tranh
PART 3: Compare 2 pictures
⮚In the first picture/ Look at the first picture,
I can see ………
⮚Whereas, the second picture shows………..
⮚Both pictures show/ illustrate
_different places where people…….
__different ways of V-ing……
• In the first picture I can see an old man standing  at the
cashier. He is bald and has a white beard. There is an
old scale on the table. I guess he’s working for a
traditional store because there are a lot of antique and
wooden items around him.
• Whereas the second picture shows a young couple in
white clothes, shopping at a supermarket. They are
using a trolley to put goods in. They look very happy.
• Both pictures show different places where people can
go shopping although the second place is more
modern and diverse than the first one.
2. What sort of people shop in these two
• In my opinion, each place attracts different kinds of
• The store in the first picture is usually preferred by
people who love traditional and quiet places. They’re
also familiar with the shop owner. Goods from this place
are usually cheaper. People can easily go to the store that
is nearby their house
• On the other hand, the supermarket is suitable for busy
or young people. Because the goods in here are very
diverse and people can buy anything they need in just
once. The supermarket layout is also attractive. We can
only see supermarkets in modern cities.
3. Which of these two places would you prefer
to shop in? Why? 
• I would like to shop in the second place which is  the supermarket
because it has many benefits.
• At the supermarket there are various kinds of foods and goods,
therefore I can buy everything I want at the same time.
• Besides shopping in here, I would have more fun and have to walk a
lot so it really helps me relax and reduce stress after a hard-working
• Another reason is they usually have a lot of discounts for clothes
and books.
• I suppose many people, especially young and busy people like
shopping in there too.
• In the first picture I can see a big building with lots of
apartments. It’s painted in red-brick color. The building has
plenty of windows and some emergency exit ladders
outside. We could see a building like this easily in any
modern city around the world
• Whereas the second picture shows a small house with
typical design. It has 2 large windows on both sides and a
wooden door in the middle. There is a lawn and some bush
in front of the house. This kind of house usually appears in
the countryside
• Both pictures show different
places where people can live in/ kinds of accommodations
1. What would it be like living in these two places?

• Living in the two places/accommodations has a lot of

• If we live in an apartment of a building, we have to
walk up a lot of stairs or use the elevator. Sometimes it
could be noisy and uncomfortable because the flats
are close together. This place is preferred by young
people who live in big cities with restricted budget
• On the other hand, if we own a house, we can enjoy
the comfort and the privacy. Besides, we can have a
lovely garden and avoid noisy atmosphere. A private
house is suitable for a family or people who love quiet
and green environment.
2. Which of these two places would it be better
for old people to live in?
• In my opinion, the second one which is a private and
peaceful house is an ideal place for the elderly.
• Living in here, there is no need to go up or down the
stairs, so that they can easily walk/move around the
• Moreover, they can have a garden to grow trees and
flowers, and enjoy the fresh, healthy environment.
• Besides, a small house is easier to clean and (more
likely to) bring the cozy feeling to people.
• And I suppose a lot of people would agree with my
Picture C
Picture C
• In the first picture I can see the scenery of a village
with some small houses near the mountain. There is
snow everywhere so it must be in the winter. We can
see this kind of house in the countryside or the
• Whereas the second picture shows the view of a
modern city located near the beach. It has  lots of tall
buildings. The weather is sunny and the sky is blue so I
think it’s summer time. This city has a
gorgeous/breathtaking/stunning view.
• Both picture show different places where people live
in 2 different seasons of a year and the second place is
much more crowded and modern than the first one.
2. Which place do you prefer to live in
/have a holiday?
• I prefer living/having a holiday in the first place
which is a village  because it has many benefits. First,
the scenery of the countryside is always peaceful.
The atmosphere is quiet and fresh, so staying in
there, I can escape from stressful working
environment. Modern cities are too crowded and
noisy for me. Besides, I can save a lot of money
because food and house’s price in rural areas are
always cheaper than in the cities. Besides, local
people are so friendly and I can easily talk to them or
ask for help .  And I suppose a lot of people would
agree with my opinion.
3. Which place is better to develop?
• In my opinion, each location has different advantages
but I think the second place which is a modern city
would be better to live in for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, big cities always have huge population and the
latest facilities. Comparing to a village life, a city offers
more employment opportunities. It has more schools
and universities with better education. It also has
modern technologies for communication and
entertainment. We can easily find shopping malls,
cinemas or beautiful parks. Therefore, living in a city,
people are more likely to enjoy their life and have a
successful career although the living cost can be really
• Well last month, I went to Vungtau city [by
myself / with my family/ to visit my friend].
• It’s a beautiful coastal city located in the south
of Vietnam. The beaches here are gorgeous
and the scenery is breathtaking.
A. Got lost

①  Because it was the first time I visited this city, I was

unfamiliar with the street system there. So when I was
looking for the way to the beach, I got lost.
At that moment, I had no idea where I was and [I felt so
nervous/ I was so scared]. Then after calming down, I
asked a nice girl who lived nearby. She showed me the
right street and finally I got to the beach.
②  There are different choices people normally
make when they get lost. The easiest way is they can
ask some local people for the right directions.
Besides , using google maps on mobile phone is also
a good/brilliant idea (as long as it’s connected to the
internet). Or people can just call cab (and tell the
driver where they want to go.)
B. Old building

* Tell me about a time when you visited an

old building.
* How did you feel about it?
* Why do you think it is important to look
after an old building?
① We visited an old history museum near the city
center. The museum is quite large/spacious, about 400
square meters and well-decorated . Its architecture is
not only impressive but also very unique.  There are a
lot of ancient books and weapons that used in the 19th
century. And what I impressed the most was the
sculptures of well-known Vietnamese heroes .
I was so excited and took a lot of photos to show my
friends. This experience had brought me a lot of
knowledge about historical events and the cultures of
southern people.
② In my opinion, it’s really necessary that
people should preserve old buildings. Because
these buildings are works of architecture that
couldn’t be remade today and it’s very
important to have places that remind people,
especially the young about the history of their
country. Moreover, old buildings are ideal
location for tourists so they should be protected
carefully to attract more visitors.
C. Outdoor activities

• Tell me about an outdoor activity you enjoyed

when you were young
• How did you feel?
• Should children attend outdoor activities?
Sport - Activity
On my tenth birthday, my father bought me a very
special present. It was a mini-sport bicycle, painted
in red and blue. From that moment, I has been really
interested in cycling. I used it everyday to go to
school. My friend were jealous of my brand new
bike.  On the afternoon or weekends, I rode my bike
with my parents to the market, to the park or visit
my grandparents. Cycling gave me a lot of fun and
also a good health. I had a lot of memories with my
bicycle. Until now I have attended a lot of cycling
competitions and won some prizes.
Sport - Activity
In my opinion, it’s crucial for children to attend
outdoor-activities. Parents should encourage their
kids to do physical activities or play sports and tell
them the benefits. They can let their children attend
sport clubs such as swimming, football or volleyball
to improve health and be more active. If children
play sports, they will be more energetic and flexible,
therefore they can study more effectively, think
more positively and have a happy life. They can also
connect and make friend with other kids.

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