Independence of Angola

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Independence of Angola


Parallel proclamation

The proclamation of Angola's Independence took place on November 11, 1975, when
the then first President of Angola, Agostinho Neto, proclaimed the de jure and de facto
independence of Angola. This event was largely due to the military and political events
that took place a year earlier in Portugal, during the Revolution of April 25, 1974.

Shortly before the proclamation of independence control of Angola was divided by the three
largest nationalist groups – National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, National
Front for the Liberation of Angola and Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, so
independence was unilaterally proclaimed by the three movements.
Parallel proclamation

At the same time, Holden Roberto, leader of the FNLA, proclaimed the Independence of the
People's Democratic Republic of Angola at midnight on November 11, in Ambriz. That same
day, the independence of the RPDA was also proclaimed in Huambo by Jonas Savimbi, leader

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