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Reported by: Group 1

Alonso, Jodi Christian Bragg, Robert Howard Gubat, Welliberneil Kristian Lasola, Gina Fatima Partos, Preslaine Zamora, Queben Munro


Introduction to overpopulation

Definition of overpopulation Important terms related to overpopulation Indicators of overpopulation Causes of overpopulation Overpopulated countries in the world II. Overpopulation Philippine setting Total population of the Philippines Most populous places in the Philippines Solutions from social institutions III. Effects of Overpopulation IV. Theory in explaining the effects of overpopulation V. Conclusion VI. Recommendation

A.Definition Overpopulation is the population of an environment by a particular species in excess of the environment's carrying capacity. The effects of overpopulation can include the depletion of resources, environmental deterioration, and the prevalence of famine and disease. It is the condition of having a population so dense as to cause an impaired quality of life, or a population crash.

B. Important Terms Carrying capacity - the maximum number of individuals that a given environment can support without detrimental effect. Environmental deterioration - deterioration of the Earth's natural surroundings as a result of excessive exploitation of the available resources.

Depletion of resources - occurs when all of the natural resources in an area, both renewable and non-renewable have been exhausted. Population crash sudden decline in the number of individuals found in a population because of a scarcity of environmental resources that are required for survival, growth, and reproduction.

C. Indicators

Population density Ratio of population to available sustainable resources The way resources are used and distributed

D. Causes

Technology Peace and order Lifestyle and tradition Increase in immigration Unsustainable biome and depletion of resources (e.g. a desert)

E. Most Highly Populated Countries in the World Research newly published lists the most overpopulated countries. When we talk about "overpopulation" (as opposed to population size), we are referring to the link between the human population and its environment. Therefore, it's not just the size or density of the population that matters, but how that population relates to sustainable resources.

-United Nations Population Division

Total Population in the Philippines

Sep. 1, 1995: 68,616,536

May 1, 2000:
August 1, 2007:


Projected Population for 2010: 94,349,600

- National Statistics Office

C. Solutions from Social Institutions

1. Government a) Family Planning (includes contraception) b) RH Bill

2. Church a) Family Planning (Natural Method)
. .

1. Government a) Family Planning (includes contraception) Free pre-marital and family planning counseling a) RH Bill

a) Family Planning (Natural Method) Abstinence Calendar Rhythm Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Mucus inspection Symptothermal

III. Effects of Overpopulation A.Poverty B.Child labor C.Increased crime rates D.Environmental problems E.Political problems F.Unemployment

IV. Theory in explaining overpopulation and its effects

Conflict theory - Society is made up of conflicting groups struggling over scarce resources. Because population is rapidly increasing, more and more people are in need of resources in order to survive. However, these resources cannot satisfy the needs of all the people because of scarcity. This leads to more problems mentioned, such as poverty, child labor, increased crime rates, and the like.

Overpopulation can be caused by a lot of factors. It can be because of ones choice to have a large family or it can be because of technology, which helps lengthen peoples lives resulting in a decrease in mortality rate. No matter what the reason may be, overpopulation brings a lot of effects to the people and the area as a whole. It is the primary cause of poverty especially in the Philippines. More and more people squander over scarce resources and are not responsible enough to replace them. Also, overpopulation and poverty bring forth child labor, a solution being practiced by families in order to have more income to support their growing needs. This is a serious problem because it violates the right of children to be free of any work and be educated. Crime rates also increase because people are desperate to get what they want even if they do it the wrong way. Furthermore, environmental and political problems can also be rooted from overpopulation. It can then be concluded that most problems in the Philippines are associated with overpopulation and that overpopulation is a serious issue that must be given immediate solution.

Immediate implementation of sex education Proper execution of family planning programs in rural areas Increase labor force opportunities for women

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