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Narcos: The Dark World of Drug By: Agustín Londoño Díaz &

Dealing in Colombia Juan Bernardo Cardenas

08/28/2023 1
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Drug dealing in Colombia has been a
longstanding issue that has plagued the
country for decades. Despite efforts by the
Colombian government and international
organizations to combat drug dealing, it
remains a major problem that continues to
affect the lives of millions of people.

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History of drug dealing in colombia • Drug trafficking has a long

and complex history in
Colombia. It began as a
small-scale operation in the
1960s, with farmers growing
coca plants for personal use
and local consumption. The
impact of drug cartels on
Colombia has been
devastating. Violence and
corruption have become
commonplace, with cartels
using intimidation, bribery,
and murder to maintain their

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The current state of drug

dealing in colombia

• Drug dealing remains a major issue in Colombia, with criminal

organizations continuing to profit from the production and
trafficking of illegal drugs.
• One of the biggest impacts of drug dealing on Colombia is its
effect on the country's economy. Illegal drug production and
trafficking can generate significant profits, but it also leads to
corruption and violence that can harm legitimate businesses and
deter foreign investment.

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• In conclusion, drug dealing has had a devastating

impact on Colombia's society, economy, and
political landscape. We have explored the history
of drug cartels in Colombia, the current state of
drug dealing, the human cost associated with it,
and the role of international organizations and
countries in combatting this issue.
• Drug dealing cannot be ignored and must be
addressed through a combination of government
policies, international cooperation, and societal

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