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IT Group Assignment

Name / Roll no.

 Aditya Singh Dhakad / BBAN1MG21161
 Shailendra Kushwah / BBAN1MG21102
 Sarita DC / BBAN1MG21192
 Shruti Saini / BBAN1MG21103

1. Introduction
2. Concept
3. Legal issues
4. Security
5. Analysis
6. Conclusion
7. References

What is an e-commerce business ?

Imagine coming home a ton of parcels that you’ve ordered from giant stores like Amazon
and Flipkart . Happiness level ? 100! After all, who doesn’t love unboxing?
Table Of Contents

 B2C – Business to Consumer model

 B2B – Business to Business model
 C2C – Consumer to Consumer model
 C2B – Consumer to Business model
B2C – Business to consumer Model
This model involves a business selling their goods/services directly to the consumers, without any middleman.
Amazon is a classic example of the
Business-to-consumer model. It’s a market
Place where various businesses list their
Products along with their prices.Customers
can browse through a white catalogue,
Read about the products , and make a unif-
orm decision of buying.
B2b- business to business model

This business model involves a business selling heir products/services directly to another business without
any middleman. Essentially, it’s a place where a business from your business and resells the product of
their customers.
IndiaMart serves as the perfect
examples of one such market-
Place .It’s not a place where
You will go to buy 10 disposable
plates for your kid’s birthday
Party at home.
C2c- consumer to business model
Ever heard of selling something that you own directly to a friend or a family member?
Well , we have probably seen it. From
Second-hand phones to cars to even
Being a micro- seller , consumers
Often turns into small-time or one-time
Business and get a scale
C2b- consumer to business model

We’ve always heard of a company selling things to us. But in this business model table turn . We, the people sell our
services to the company . To put things in a simple manner , let us give you an example.
A man with great designing skills
Cannot find employment in his
Neighborhood due to a lack of
Legal issues
 E-contracts :
Electronic contracts are governed by the basic principles provided in the Indian contract Act, 1872 (“ICA”) which
mandates that a valid contract should have been entered with a free consent and for a lawful consideration
between two adults. Section 10A of the Information Technology Act, 2000 ("IT Act") provides validity to e-
contracts. So, both ICA and IT Act needs to be read in conjunction to understand and provide legal validity to e-
 Data Protection:
Security of the information provided during the online transaction is a major concern. Under section 43A of the IT
Act the "Reasonable practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information Rules, 2011" have been
proposed, which provide a framework for the protection of data in India. Data can be personal, which has been
defined as "any information that relates to a natural person, which, either directly or indirectly, in combination
with other information available or likely to be available with a body corporate, is capable of identifying such
1. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
PCI DSS (often referred to as just “PCI”) is an industry standard that ensures creditcard information collected
online is being transmitted and stored in a secure manner.
2. International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
ISO is an international standard-setting body that creates requirements that guide businesses in making sure their
products and processes are fit for purpose.
3. Personal Data.
Personal data or personal information refers to any data that can be linked back to a
specific individual — most simply, this includes names, email addresses, and phone
numbers. But it can get a little bit more complex as well.
E-commerce, though a relatively new concept in retail, has become a $220 billion industry. The e-commerce
industry is growing at almost 20% per year, at this rate; it will outpace the traditional brick-and-mortar within
next five year. The growth is being fuelled by the explosive growth smart phone users.

E-commerce still represents one of the business methods that take advantage if done the right way, even if the
stock market and commodities fell, but E-Commerce still able to survive and receive high transaction. E-
commerce has a tremendous opportunity in the course of or business in Malaysia.

 Direct sales.
 Intermediaries.
 Infomediaries.
 Auctions.
 Extranets.
 Intranets.
 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

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