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In what ways can multi sensory approaches to literacy have practical and meaningful

impact for learners with complex ASD?

Dawn Kean, West Mains School

What did you plan to do and why? What are the implications and next steps? What impact has this has this had on your own
My original question was 'In what way can multisensory approaches have practical professional identity?
impact for learners with complex ASD? What have I learned about my learners throughout this process?
To what extent have you as a teacher progressed an developed?
Who? - Room 4 pupils I have learned that even within my group of 7 learners I have a broad range of learning
I would say that this enquiry has further developed my research and enquiry skills and has
styles. Some are more visual, some more auditory and some really required and
Where? - Room 4 class encouraged me to analyse and evaluate my practice, making changes to 'tweak' my
benefitted from the kinaesthetic aspect of the approach I chose. It further proved to me
approach based on my findings. The subject of the enquiry has enhanced my knowledge
What? - Multisensory approaches (Core first words, Communicate to create, use of that a multi sensory approach is a necessity for learners with such a broad range of and understanding of functional language and the importance of teaching it explicitly in an
Heart words programme). As Heart words and Communicate to Create were already learning styles. ASN classroom.
established in my class I chose to then focus on Core First words as this was a new
Did anything take me by surprise? How has your understanding of 'teacher leadership' changed?
initiative I piloted this year.
In a way I feel I surprised myself. I first investigated the Boardmaker Core First Words I feel teacher leadership is not necessarily being in charge or control of people or aspects of
When? - Throughout general class teaching
programme as something I would follow exactly as it was but in realising the the curriculum, but rather something that any teaching professional can undertake to further
Why? - To support communication by introducing functional language in a multisensory adaptations I would need to make I showed myself that I actually understood my their own understanding of something. That then gives that professional the chance to 'lead'
way. learners needs more deeply than I previously thought. I initially thought I would need that approach or initiative within their school setting, sharing knowledge and being a support
the programme to lead me but I ended up having the confidence in my own knowledge for others.
This was an important area of enquiry for me as I had identified a need within my class
and expertise to make it my own. Have you achieved what you set out to achieve?
and wider school setting for functional language to be prioritised over traditional
common word programmes so that the focus on literacy for complex ASD learners In terms of the bigger picture of policy and Scottish Education, my enquiry lends itself Yes I believe I have - I intended to research and pilot an approach/system that would 1. be
would be to support their communication. The initiatives I considered and the one I strongly to my schools Total Communication policy as well as the national GIRFEC multisensory and 2. would have a practical impact on learning for complex ASD learners. I
settled on put communication and use of functional language at the forefront of the policies and shanarri indicators. now have a multisensory system in place which is making a clear impact on pupils
classes literacy programme. functional language.
In terms of the bigger picture of policy at school and national level, this enquiry is very much in What will this mean for your practice in the future?
line with many of these. The introduction of the Core First Words programme sits well within
my school's total communication and literacy policies and will be a useful addition to the This approach is embedded in my classroom practice and moving forward I would like to
schools literacy programmes after the pilot as the evidence so far is positive. The use of this introduce it to the rest of the school for use with identified learners who would benefit. I have
programme with its adaptations (as well as other multi sensory approaches researched in the also began making links with the Colourful Semantics system currently used in our school to
process of this enquiry) also fits well within SHANARRI indicators and GIRFEC policies, provide a consistent approach.
encouraging inclusion, achievement and meeting individuals needs.

What has happened in your enquiry? References

1.Sally Clendon, Jessica Paynter, Sue Walker, Rachel Bowen
To what Extent have I answered my enquiry question?
and Marleen F Westerfeld (2021)Emergent Literacy
I feel that for the purposes of this enquiry project, I have definitely investigated how one Assessment in children with ASD who have limited verbal
specific multisensory approach (the core first words programme) has had a practical communication skills: A tutorial.
impact for learners with complex ASD. The question was 'in what ways' and although I
2. Dianne McDonald, Gigi Luk, Eve-Marie Quintin (2021) Early
have only focussed on the one approach for the purposes of the enquiry I am using
other approaches within the day to day running of my classroom which also word reading of Pre-schoolers with ASD, both with and without
support/answer my question. I feel this enquiry could definitely be extended to hyperlexia, compared to typically developing pre-schoolers.
investigate these approaches more closely.

What were the 'ups' of my enquiry?

The main positive that I will take away from this process is taking time to focus Contact Details
specifically on something that has had a practical impact on my pupils. In the busy day
to day life of a class teacher it doesn't always seem easy to take time out to really
focus on something that you know will positively impact your class - there's always Dawn Kean
forward plan, review reports, school development work to do. So to make time to really
investigate something that you are passionate about has been inspiring and motivating.
What were the 'downs' of my enquiry?

Due to a family bereavement I had some time off work in October and November and
whilst this was necessary for my own health and wellbeing it broke the momentum of
my project slightly. Picking it back up when I returned, it was tricky to get back into the dawn8983/
swing of things but we got there!

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