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Abu Bakr Siddiq ‫رضيهللا عنه‬

B Y R E M I N , S A N A D , A B U TA L H A
He is the first person to accept Islam and the first person
to make the Qur’an a Holy book and the first person to
believe in the Mi’raaj of the Prophet Muhammed ‫ص لىهللا‬
‫عليه وسلم‬. Also, the first Khalifa in Islam.
Birth of
Abu Bakr He was born in Makkah and his fathers name was ‫ابو ق حافة‬
and his mother’s name was ‫ام ا لخير‬.
‫هللا عنه‬
He was born on 573 AD
Abu Bakr Siddiq ‫رضيهللا عنه‬
∙ As Abu Bakr Siddiq ‫ رضيهللا عنه‬was the first person to accept Islam, Many people
followed him and accepted Islam.
∙ He bought slaves from people and freed them. He bought Bilal ‫ رضيهللا عنه‬and 7
other slaves
∙ He had Four wives, 2 from Makkah (‫ اُ ُّم رومانب نتعامر‬,‫ )ق تيلة ب نتعبد ا لع َّزى‬and 2 from
Madinah (‫ اَسماء ب نت ُع َمي ْْس‬, ‫)حبيبة ب نتزيد‬
∙ He had 6 children (3 sons, 3 daughters) They were:
∙ Asma, Abdullah, Abdur Rahman, Ayesha, Muhammad

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