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Engineering Management & Economics


Lecture No.01
Akbar Ali Qureshi
Contact no: 0335-6387138
Mechanical Engineering Department
UCE&T, BZU Multan.
 Activity or group of activities carried out to
produce tangible output in the form of materials
& goods.
 Process may be called production or
transformation process.
 The system that transform the resources into
materials and goods of value is called a
production system.
 Service Systems
Role of production systems
 Increase in population
 Desire for better standard of living
 Innovation & technology explosion
Inputs of Production System
 Fixed Input
i. Land
ii. Building
iii. Plant & Machinery
 Recurring Inputs
i. Materials
ii. Labour
iii. Utilities
iv. Energy & I.T
Plant Management
 Management Concept & History

 Management Styles/ Systems of

A. Exploitive Authoritarian
B. Benevolent Autocracy/ Paternalistic
C. Consultative
D. Participative
Role of Production Management

 External Factors
 Internal Factors

 Four Areas of Function

1. The Product
2. The Plant
3. Production
4. Sales
Functions of Management
 The undertaking of risk
 Handling of Uncertainty
 Planning and Innovation
 Co-Ordination
 Administration & Control
 Routine Supervision
The End

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