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Nuclear Weapons

García Renata
What is a weapon?
A weapon is an instrument used in combat with the end of killing, injuring and
defeating the enemy. Humanity have created many types of weapons, starting from
held in hand weapons to chemical power weapons. With today´s technology we have
weapons that use kinetic energy or chemical energy like the bullet.
What is a nuclear weapon?
Nuclear weapons have been designed to release energy in an explosion. There are two
types of energy release, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and they can use both in the

The atomic bombs belong in the fission weapons (is a chain reaction of uranium or
plutonium). The yield of a fission weapon is limited to a few hundred kilotons.

As to fusion weapons (fusing of hydrogen isotopes) are referred to thermonuclear

bombs, they are also known as hydrogen bombs. Fusion weapons may have an almost
unlimited yield.

More advanced nuclear technology is needed to design a fusion weapon.

The power of fission and fusion can be unleashed in various ways to cause devastating
explosions. The 15 and 20 kiloton explosions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August
1945 burned both cities to the ground, killing over 200,000 people instantly. Yet, the
nuclear weapon went more destructive that minimize the power of these simple
fission weapons. The reduced size and weight of these more advanced weapons also
makes them much easier to deliver than earlier types.
The establishment of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones is a regional proposal to strengthen
global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament norms. It also consolidate
international efforts towards peace and security.

Land territory
covered by nuclear-

Sea territory
covered by
free treaties
The yield of a nuclear weapon is so large that it can be detonated in the air high above
the target and cause enormous damage on the ground.
About the 85% of the energy is released as pressure and heat, while about the 15% is
released as ionising radiation.

In general, there will also have a powerful electromagnetic pulse associated with the
detonation. This pulse may destroy electronic equipment over a large area, depending
on the details of the detonation.
Nuclear fallout are radioactive particles from the bomb itself and from the ground that
may be carried far from the detonation site and contaminate large areas.
Which effects nuclear weapons
have caused?
 Death
 Serious burns
 Deformity in new born children
 Contamination
 Animals and plants
 Reduce the ozone layer
 Cancer
 Destruction of cities
What does the UN is trying to do with
nuclear weapons?
The United Nations has seek to eliminate such weapons ever since its establishment.
The first resolution agreed by the UN General Assembly in 1946 established a
Commission to deal with problems related to the discovery of atomic energy among
others. The Commission was to make proposals for, inter alia, the control of atomic
energy to the extent necessary to ensure its use only for peaceful purposes. The
resolution also decided that the Commission should make proposals for "the
elimination from national armaments of atomic weapons and of all other major
weapons adaptable to mass destruction”.

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