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Preparation of Tamarind Pickle

Presented by
Sudip Tamang
B.Tech 4th year
Batch: 2076
Roll no:22
• Introduction
• Statement of problem
• Objective
• Significance of study
• Materials
• Method
• Analysis
• Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) a tree species of
family Leguminaceas.
• Tamarind is basically originated from dry savanna
region of tropical Africa.
• Tamarind tree is evergreen, dome-shaped and much
• The entire fruit consists of 55% pulp, 34% seeds, and
11% fibers.
• It can live up to 80–200 years
• The most important and generally utilized part of the
tamarind tree is its natural product pulp.
• Pulp is rich in pectin and reducing sugars and
contains significant amounts of organic acids, 98% of
which is tartaric acid.
• India is the highest producer, exporter and consumer
of tamarind.
• Tamarind is normally grown from seeds as well as
vegetative propagation.
• Used as a raw material for the manufacture of several
industrial products, such as Tamarind juice
concentrate, Tamarind pulp powder, paste, sauce, jam,
beverage, pickle etc.
• Tamarind pickle is prepared from matured and
ripened fruit without its shells, fibres and seed.
• Pickle is prepared by mixing of spices, salt and sugar.
Statement of problem
• The traditional approaches are rough, unhygienic,
labor intensive and time consuming.
• Presence of tannins and other dyeing matters in the
seed testa make the whole seed unsuitable for
consumption but they become edible after soaking
and boiling in water.
• Tamarind is an underutilized crop. There is a need to
popularize Tamarind as a major crop because of its
high domestic and international demand.
• General objectives
To prepare Tamarind pickle (titri ko achar)
• Specific objectives
1. To process optimize.
2. To carry out proximate analysis.
Significance of study
• Helps to give the new idea for the utilization of
locally available fruits.
• Encourage Nepalese farmers to cultivate more
Tamarind tree and can also give opportunities to food
processing industries to promote a product that can
have a significant impact on the Nepalese commercial
• Helps to improve the nutritive value of Tamarind
• Raw materials
1. Ripe tamarind
2. Cloves
3. Black cumin
4. Cumin seed
5. Coriander
6. Cinnamon
7. Cardamom,
8. Chillies
9. Salt
10. Mustard oil
11. Black pepper
• Chemical and reagent
1. Acetic acid
2. NaOH
3. Phenolphthalein
4. sulfuric acid
5. sodium hydroxide
• Equipment used
1. Stove gas
2. Pan
3. Hot air oven
4. Weighing balance
5. Conical flask
6. Burette
Add hot Soaked in Separate Make a
Ripe Tamarind
water hot water seeds &
fibers paste

Take a pan & add spices

Dry roast & grinding

Take pan put oil & spices

Stirrring and mix the pulp


Put in sterilized bottle

Fig: preparation of tamarind pickle
• Moisture content
• Carbohydrate content
• Fiber content
• Acidity
• Reducing sugar
• Total sugar
Thank you

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