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Block chain

What is Blockchain?

 Blockchain is a system of recording information.

 Immutability means that the blockchain is a permanent and unalterable network.

 All network participants have a copy of the ledger for complete transparency.
When Blockchain is invented?

 .Blockchain—a peer-to-peer network that sits on top of the internet—was introduced in

October 2008 as part of a proposal for bitcoin,

 Satoshi Nakamoto is the people of group that handle Bitcoin as well as blockchain

 Blockchain has the potential to grow to be a bedrock of the worldwide record-keeping

systems, but was launched just 10 years ago.
How is the blockchain secure?

 Each new block connects to all the blocks before it in a cryptographic chain in such a way
that it’s nearly impossible to tamper with.

 All transactions within the blocks are validated and agreed upon by a consensus
mechanism, ensuring that each transaction is true and correct.

 blockchain is secured by an advanced level of encryption to protect each transaction

and exchange that takes place on the platform.
Why use Blockchain?

 Blockchain increases trust.

 Blockchain is a reliable source of data.

 Blockchain technology has been used brilliantly in the banking industry.

How blockchain is changing finance?

 By establishing a decentralized ledger for payments (e.g., Bitcoin)

 It cuts out intermediaries (middlemen), reduces costs, saves time, and provides greater
financial privacy.

 Blockchain technology can eliminate some of the difficulties associated with conventional
banking and financial systems in struggling economies.

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