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History of Afro- The Beginnings of

Asian Literature Asian and African

Importance of
Introduction to Afro-
Asian Literature
History of Afro-Asian Literature

• The background of Afro-Asian

literature dates to the very beginning
when the first mixed race individual
began writing.
History of Afro-Asian Literature

• In most cultures, oral histories

marked the beginnings of teaching

• Later, when more people were able to

read and write, history became
recorded in prose, plays, and poems.
History of Afro-Asian Literature
• Today, Afro-Asians still express their
creativity, and honour their culture, by
crafting beautiful poems, such as haikus,
ballads, or sonnets.

• Freeform poems with specific structures or

meters are also prevalent - these have a
free-spirited, stream of consciousness
History of Afro-Asian Literature

• Plays, when performed, will feature

backdrops, costumes, and jargon
that reflects the culture and unique
spirit of Afro-Asian people.
The Beginnings of Asian and African
• Literature may have its roots from the pre-historic

• The hieroglyphs of Egypt, found around 3200 BC

to about 400 AD for example, is a system of
writing which used symbols, have been used to
record some things about what had transpired in
history. However, these are not considered
The Beginnings of Asian and African

• Considered to be the earliest records of

Egyptian Book of the Dead 
- written down in a papyrus in 250 BC
The Beginnings of Asian and African Literature

• Many of the literary works are

handed down by oral tradition. In
Africa, the lack of literacy did not
it possible to write literature
The Beginnings of Asian and African

• Histories, myths, legends, including stories,

dramas, riddles, songs, proverbs and other
literary works were handed by mouth from
to generation to entertain, educate
and remind the people about their past, heroic
deeds of their people, ancestry and culture.
Why do we always need to consider
the culture of the people when we
study literature?
Introduction to Afro-Asian

• Afro-Asian Literature is a term for

writing; written by people from mixed
African-Arab ethnicity, or African-
Asian ethnicity.
• In modern times, part of world
literature, Afro-Asian literature is a
separate segment of writing of
experiences in African and Asia for
further cultural understanding and
world peace.
Introduction to Afro-Asian

• Asian Literature encompasses the rich

and widely diverse cultural and ethnic
heritages found in such countries as
China, India, Japan, the Philippines,
Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia,
Korea, India and more.
Introduction to Afro-Asian
• One of the most consistently appearing themes in
Asian literature, and really, all literature, is the
celebration of nature and life.

• The most significant contribution was opening the

western world's eye towards Vedic Literature, Asian
spirituality (that is distinctly different and vastly
effective than any other prevalent streams), Yoga and
meditation, Sanskrit Literature, and Asian philosophy
Introduction to Afro-Asian


- Asian values are very much interrelated. They all support
the view of the individual as being a part of a much larger
group or family, and place great importance on the well-
being of the group, even at the expense of the individual.

• Family and Education

• Great importance is placed on child rearing, and education is a

fundamental aspect of this.

• Asian parents are more likely to spend much more time with their
children, and drive them harder, sometimes even at the expense of
their personal time and ambitions of the parents themselves.

• A number of Asian students have done conspicuously well in terms of

test scores, gifted student programs, admissions to prestigious
schools, academic awards, and in classical music.

• Reserve Conformity and Harmony

• great importance is placed on maintaining harmony

• the greatest virtue that can achieve is not greatness of

one’s self, which is viewed as being selfish and self-
centered, but of fulfilling his or her role in the whole of
the family or group.

• Benevolence and Obligation

• Asian societies tend to be very hierarchical, in contrast to
African culture

• Asian hierarchical relationships involve a lot of and what might

be viewed as dependence or domination. But a good deal of
responsibility and benevolence is expected in return

• While children might be obligated to follow their parent’s wishes

very closely at the expense of their own independence, the
parents are also expected to raise support, and educate them.

• Loss of face, shame and honor

• Losing face is one of the better-known Asian concepts among
others society.

• Maintaining good face is a kind of measurement of how well

one has maintained faith to traditional values, and ones’
social standing among others. It serves as a strong control
mechanism which reinforces all other Asian values.
Introduction to Afro-Asian

• AFRICA has 54 countries and it is

divided into sub regions:
 Western Africa – Nigeria
 Eastern Africa – Ethiopia
 Northern Africa – Egypt
 Middle Africa – Congo
Introduction to Afro-Asian
• The characteristics of African literature include slave
narratives, protests against colonization, calls for
independence, African pride, hope for the future, and

• African literature is not important only because of its

relevant setting and relatable storylines. It also increases
our social consciousness and raises awareness of social,
political, and economic crises that the African continent is
Introduction to Afro-Asian

The five major themes of African literature are:

o Themes of Colonialism
o Liberation
o Nationalism
o Tradition
o Displacement, and Rootlessness in African
Introduction to Afro-Asian


- Africa has 300 distinct ethnic groups, 2000 languages.
Home to the most genetically diverse people on Earth. So
diverse that two Africans are more genetically different from
each other than a Chinese and European are from each

• Sense of Community
• A popular African proverb comes to mind here to express the
African sense of community. It says: "Go the way that many
people go; if you go alone, you will have reason to lament“.

• The African idea of security and its value depends on

personal identification with and within the community.

• Sense of Good Human Relations

• The art of dialogue and conversation is a cherished value in
African human people freely discuss their problems and look
for suggestions and solutions together

• The unwillingness to talk to people about either private or

public affairs can be interpreted as bad manners or sign of

• Sense of hospitality
• The African sense of hospitality is one of the African values
that is still quite alive.
• The Africans easily incorporate strangers and give them
lands to settle hoping that would go one day, and the land
would revert to the owner.
• Africans have symbolic ways of expressing welcome. These
are in forms of presentation of kola nuts, traditional gin,
coconuts, etc; in various communities.
Countries under Afro-Asian
with rich literature

- South Korea - Philippines

- North Korea - Thailand
- Japan - Africa
- Saudi Arabia - Malaysia
- China - Indonesia
- India - Vietnam
- Egypt
- Israel

• The Afro-Asian countries usually cared for their family first;

then they are fond of their social values; and specially, their
love for their own country.
• They are also active in celebrating festivals that reflects their
own characteristics as an Asian. They are religious because
they give importance to 'The Creator' by giving thanks and
offering prayers to him.
• They are also active if we talk about literature because they
are good writers.
• They are talented on different branch of sports and arts that
they are about to compete worldwide.
Introduction to Afro-Asian Literature

• Afro-Asian Literature
mirrors not only the
customs and traditions
of African and Asian
countries but also their
philosophy of life which on the whole are
deeply and predominantly contemplative
and hauntingly sweet.
Introduction to Afro-Asian Literature

• Afro-Asian Literature is the

reflection of the storm and
the stress of developing
nations seeking a place
under the sun which every student must
understand so he may know how this
literature affects history and culture of a
Introduction to Afro-Asian Literature

• In a simpler thought, Afro-Asian literature refers

to the literary output of the various countries
and cultures in Africa and Asia. This includes
their oral traditions and from the first to the
contemporary written and/or published prose
and poetry.
Importance Of Afro-Asian Literature

The importance comes from the fact

that Afro-Asian literature is a sign of
new and modern times.

It also teaches people and allow them

to learn about different experiences
and cultures from all over the world.
Importance Of Afro-Asian Literature

These times include literature from all kinds

of people, from all places on Earth. These
days, we are able to enjoy literature from all
over the world thanks to the Internet and
translation services.

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