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Ice Breaker Activity:

Get to Know Your

with Maam lovely
Ice Breaker Activity:
Get to Know Your Classmates
Let's get to know each other! We're going to play a
fun game to learn about our classmates. Here's how it
1 2 3 4
Listen carefully Participate with Feel free to ask Have fun and
to the enthusiasm and questions if you enjoy getting to
instructions on be respectful of need help. know your new
each slide. your classmates. friends!
Name Game
Introduce yourself! Say your name
and a word that starts with the
same letter as your name. For
example, "I'm Samantha, and I like
Find a Friend
Look at the pictures on the slide.
Find a classmate who likes the same
thing as you. Sit together with your
new friend!
All About Me
Draw a picture of yourself on the
paper provided. Write your name,
age, and one thing you enjoy
doing. Show your artwork to the
Silly Faces
Look at the funny faces on the
slide. Make the same silly face as
shown. Let's see who can make the
silliest face!
Show and Tell
Bring a special item from home.
When it's your turn, show your
item and briefly explain why it is
important to you. Let's learn about
each other's favorite things!
Color Buddies
Find a partner. You will each
receive a sheet of paper and
crayons. Take turns drawing and
coloring together. Let your
creativity shine!
Dance Party
It's time to groove! When the
music starts, show off your best
dance moves. Let's have a dance
party and celebrate being in first
Goodbye and See
You Tomorrow!
Thank you for joining in on the fun
today! We're going to have an
amazing school year together. See you
all tomorrow!

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