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Concreteness refers to being more specific, definite, and vivid rather than and general and repetitive. The main benefit of being concrete is obvious that the receiver knows exactly what is required or desired. The other benefit of being concrete is that the reply might be in the same way that may be interrupted by you as the receiver.

Use specific facts and figures

Whenever you can, substitute an exact statement or a figure for a general word to make your message more concrete and convincing.

General word

Concrete This computer types 400 personalized 150-word campaign letters in one hour. These Goodson power brakes stop a 2-ton car traveling 60-miles an hour, within 240 feet.

This computer reproduces campaign letters fast.

These brakes stop a car within a short distance.

General, Indefinite Shes a brain

Concrete Precise Her percentage have increased from 84% in S.S.C to 88% in H.S.C In 1990, investments in Eastern Europe were about US $30 million; today that figure has increased by 12%.

Eastern Europe is making progress in obtaining investments

Put Action in your Verbs.

Verbs can bring your concreteness back to being alive and more dynamic. Use of verbs especially the active verbs make your sentence more Specific, Personal and Concise. Even the passive verbs are more useful sometimes when you want to avoid any personal or accusing comments.

Use Active versus Passive voice.

Use Actions in Verbs, not in Nouns.


Active We made tests. The supervisor will send you a full report. The research department checks these figures. The Principal Has decided You will note

Tests were made by us. A full report will be sent to you by the supervisor. These figures are checked by the research department. A decision has been made It will be noted.

Choose vivid, image-building words

Use of language or words which are capable of creating an atmosphere in the mind of the reader that he imagines himself, being, in that situation rather than using words which would bounce over the gray matter. The inclusion of vivid words also helps in creating a scenario that the writer or speaker has a wider scope of imagination instead having an image of sticking to the basics.

Colorless The camera has a system that gives you good pictures.


The SONY camera has a UNIQUELY precise metering system that assures you PROPERLY exposed, true-color pictures.

His work in group was exemplary The results are very good this year and are expected to be very good next year.

He is the spark plug of the group

The results this year have been excellent and we expect them to touch the mountain in the coming year.

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