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Story Telling Competition
Assalaamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning, students. How are thing with you?
I hope you are always healthy and happy. Before
beginning our lesson, let’s say a prayer
At the last meeting we discussed about
‘Congratulation and Hope part 1’, now we’ll learn
‘congratulation and Hope part 2. It can be learned on
the packet book page 11 - 16
Tujuan pembelajaran. Setelah mempelajari
materi ini peserta didik diharapkan mampu:
1. Mengidentifikasi ungkapan ‘Congratulation
and Hope’
2. Melengkapi percakapan tentang
‘Congratulation and Hope
1. Compliment Pujian
2. praise Memuji
3. Conversation Percakapan
4. Proud Bangga
5. Amazing Luar biasa
6. Scolarship Beasiswa
7. Deserve Pantas menerima
8. Handycraft Pekerjaan tangan
9. Tofu Tahu
10.Mopping Mengepel
11.Celebration Perayaan
12.A big around of applause Tepukan meriah
13.Play the role Bermain peran
14.tidy Rapi
15. Good work/job Kerja bagus
16. Sold out Terjual
17. Cookies Kue kering
18. decide/decision Memutuskian/keputusan
19. Punctuation Tanda baca
20. handwrite Tulisan tangan
As the complement of the ' Congratulation
and Hope' expressions, there are some
compliment expressions

• It's very beautiful ( Ini sungguh indah) / S +

adjective ( kt sifat)
• I am proud of you (Aku bangga dengan kamu)
• How beautiful, the picture is.(Betapa indahnya
gambar ini.)/ How+ adjective, noun+ to be
• What a beautiful picture, it is. ( Betapa sebuah
gambar yang indah ini.) / What+noun, S+to be
Complete the following dialogues about
‘Congratulation and Hope’ according to the
provide situation.
Lengkapilah percakapan berikut tentang
‘Congratulation and Hope’ berdasarkan situasi
yang tersedia.
Situation 1 as the example.
Situasi 1 sebagai contohnya.

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