Find Your Voice Learning Journey

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Put the date

Find Your Voice next to

something when
Learning Journey you have
achieved it.

Record complete
Explore using To create a small-group
Learn how to performance of
mobile technology performance of using voice Final
beatbox. live soundtrack.
in musical and technology. recording.

Use your Success Criteria
Use an Pen
voice to instrument Include Action
perform the 4 What should you
app to
the class chords: include to make
perform a
beat. C, G, Am your piece
simple part
Sing the 4- and F. successful? Accept feedback from
chord song teacher/peers and
Experiment with as a class. make improvements.
Create your Use an
using your voice Include a
own beats instrumen
to create beat.
using the t app to Ensure everyone knows
different sounds.
sounds player a their roles clearly, and
learned as a harder can perform with
class.. part, e.g. confidence. Rehearse
Assessment result:
Lead your full your performance
Effort Grade: 1 2 3 4 group in chords. Sing lyrics to carefully. Choose a
creating an one of the 4- leader.
Overall unit grade: authentic- Plan the
chord songs
_______ sounding beat structure of
In your over the top
boxing track, your
group, layer (try layering
Expected progress: with a range of performance.
different more than one
Above / on track / below different Who will do
parts song on top of
sounds layered what and when?
together to each other, or
Mastered areas have been together. How will it begin
create the 4- creating a
highlighted. and end?
chord riff. mash-up)
Peer/Self Assessment Date: Peer/Self Assessment Date:

What went well: Even better if: What went well: Even better if:

Literacy Corner
Peer/Self Assessment Date:
When peer assessing, make sure you:
What went well: Even better if: Use full sentences
Use musical terms - look to the keywords wall for help.

What are you listening out for when peer assessing?

- Was the performance in time?
- Did people know their roles?
- Was it well rehearsed/well planned?
- Had they met the success criteria on the learning

End of unit evaluation

What is the most important thing you learnt in this unit? What do you need to do to improve next time?

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