He Activity Sheet

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What I Need To Know?
•This lesson will help you identify the resources available in the family and how to
properly manage these resources in order to provide sufficiently for the family’s
different needs. Family resources include anything tangible or intangible that helps
provide for the needs of its members. Like any other resources, these are limited and
family members need to work to sustain them. These should be instilled in the minds
of the members of the family.
• In this module you will be provided hands on learning activities that will enable
you to be optimistic, self sufficient and productive members of the family,
community and society as a whole.
• After going through this module, you are expected to:
• · Identify family resources and needs (human, material, and non-material
• · enumerate sources of family income
• · Allocate budget for basic and social need
Let’s Do This!
•In your notebook, draw a two-column table. Mark the first column “My
Needs” and the second column “My Wants”. Then list down the items you
spend in the proper column. Do you spend a lot on your necessities or do
you spend more on things you want but do not really need?

My Needs My Wants

•Home management is part of the family life. It is all

about managing the family resources so that the needs
and wants of each member is met and satisfied. Parents
are not the only ones with the responsibility for
managing the home. Effective management of the family
resources are very important in attaining family goals.
Family Resources

•Family resources are the means used to get one’s

needs and reach one’s goal. A family would need to use
their resources such as money, talents, or skills to get
their needs such as food and shelter.
Types of Family Resources
• 1. Human resources—family members that can contribute time, effort,
talent, skills, strength and expertise considered part of the human resources.
• 2. Material Resources—Tangible assets such as house and lot, furniture and
appliances, jewelry, automobiles and cash are referred to as material
• 3. Non-Material Resources—time, health and experience are intangible
resources but are also important. Without non-material resources, family
members will not be able to perform their duties and responsibilities at
home, in school and at work.
¨  Time
¨  Health
¨  Experience
Effective Home Management
•Every member of the family has an important role to play in effective
home management. Sharing one’s skills, attitudes and knowledge makes
the works easier and more effective.
•Steps in Effective Home Management
• 1. Planning– set up goals. Once the goals have been set, there is now
basis for planning activities.
• 2. Organizing– This involves the division of work among family members.
• 3. Implementing– refers to the process of executing the plans and
performing the tasks given to each member.
• 4. Evaluating– it helps in understanding and analyzing the success and
failures of the family effort so that adjustments can be made.
These are things into consideration when scheduling activities.

Importance of Proper Time/Energy Management

• 1. Brings happiness and security.

• 2. Allows more time for leisure activities.
• 3. Opens activities for constructive activities.
• 4. Tasks are done at the right time.
Helpful Measures to Conserve Human Energy

• 1. Analyze the activity that can be done simultaneously.

• 2. Use good and efficient utensils and equipment to avoid
waste of time.
• 3. Arrange the things needed for work in one place.
• 4. Know the right time in doing the task in order to
accomplish it properly.
• 5. Finish the work you have started.
• 6. Spare time to rest after hard work.
Sources of Family Income

• 1. Salary
• 2. Bonus, Commissions, or honoraria given by an
employer to employee.
• 3. Profits earned from business
• 4. Rentals from owned properties
• 5. Dividends from stockholdings.
Let’s Be Informed!

•A Budget or a Spending Plan is a strategy on how to save

and spend money wisely. It is a financial plan which. It is a
financial plan which includes provision for one’s needs.
Food, shelter, operating expenses, clothing, savings the
usual items in a family’s budget. Most spending plan of the
family leave something for the things the family wants
beyond to what is needed.
Let’s Practice!
•Answer the following questions:
• 1. Give at least three types of family’s resources.
• A.
• B.
• C.
• 2. Enumerate the sources of the family’s income.
• A.
• B.
• C.
• D.
• E.

•Planning on how to spend your money is important

because it minimizes the chances of uneconomical
spending and increases your opportunity to spend
on necessities.
•The following are some guide on how to spend wisely:
Consider the following principles in making
spending plan or budget.
• 1. Resources—know your family income or the availability of
cash in hand and the amount of money expected.
• 2. Expenses—classify expenses. Determine which should be
given priority.
• A. Fixed—expenses that come regularly within the period of
time like utility expenses.
• B. Flexible—are expenses that are expected to come like
medical and dental care, clothing, recreation, contributions and
•3. Savings—you can address emergency when you have
•4. Spending Plan—evaluate your used plan. Make a record
of your actual spending. It will help you adjust your actual
spending to meet what you really need.
Factors to Consider in Budgeting

•1. Size of the family

•2. Family income
•3. Kind of work each family member does.
•4. Talents and abilities of every individual.
•5. Where the family lives.
Components or Elements of Family Budget
• 1. Food– groceries, raw and cooked food, staples, condiments and spice.
• 2. Shelter– if not renting, includes taxes, repair and maintenance.
• 3. Clothing– uniforms, clothes and accessories.
• 4. Education- tuition fees, books, daily food, transportation allowance of
the children.
•5. Household Operations- things needed in the house, beddings, curtains,
furniture and other paraphernalia to make family members comfortable.
•6. Utilities– electricity, water and telephone bills, gas, salaries of helpers.
•7. Health, medicine, check-up.
•8. Recreation– family outings, outside dining, watching movies.
•9. Savings– the amount set aside or deposited in the bank.
Sample of Monthly Family Budget
Monthly Income: P 35,000.00
Family Members: 4
Item % of Budget Allotted Amount
Food 40% (35,000 x 0.40) Php 14,000.00
Education 16% Php 5,600.00
Shelter 15% Php 5,250.00
Utilities 12% Php 4,200.00
Household Operations 6% (35,000 x 0.06) Php 2,100.00
Clothing 3% Php 1,050.00
Recreation 3% Php 1,050.00
Savings 5% Php 1,750.00
Total 100% Php 35,000.00
Take Note!

Planning and implementing the family budget

together are important. It requires discipline,
solidarity and respect for the rights of all members
of the family. To achieve this, there are things to
Tips in Wise Spending of Family Income

• 1. Make a list of all the things needed at home and

their specification.
• 2. Compare the prices of the products to be bought.
Avoid buying things with higher prices than usual.
• 3. Buy in bulk the things that are needed everyday.
• 4. Buy fruits and vegetables in season.
• 5. Know the substitute ingredients for expensive
• 6. Be familiar of the stores offering lowest prices.
• 7. Buy or shop in stores where you can be assured
of quality and standard pricing.
• 8. Shop at the market nearest your place to avoid
transportation expense.
• 9. Be sure to stick to your shopping or grocery list.
Effective implementation of Budget

• 1. Inform all the members of the family about the budget.

• 2. Choose a simple lifestyle.
• 3. Buy only things that are needed.
• 4. Children should spend their allowance wisely.
• 5. Conserve energy and other utilities.
• 6. Recycle or reuse materials.
• 7. Take good care of your belongings.
• 8. Buy locally made products.
• 9. Develop the habit of walking if the place you’re going is nearby.
As a student, budget you allowance according to your needs. If possible, save a
small amount for future needs or for something you want to buy.
Here is a sample budget of a grade 6 student enrolled in a public school. Her
allowance per week is P500.00.

Meals 50.00 X 5 days = P250.00

Transportation 20.00 X 5 days = P100.00

Snacks 20.00 X 5 days = P100.00

Savings 50.00 X 5 days = P50.00

Total P500.00
Quiz Time!
Instruction: Read carefully the question in the left side then arrange
the jumbled letters in the right corner to form a correct word.

• lannping • 1. Set up goals.

• 2. This involves the division of work among family
• ganorngizi members.

• tegudb • 3. is a strategy on how to save and spend money

• ssagvni • 4. you can address emergency when you have this.
• 5. expenses that come regularly within the period of
• dexif time like utility expenses.
Learning Tasks!
Learning Task 1
Family Resources Family Expenses

Ask the help of your family and Human Material Non- Priority Savings Social
other Resources Material Needs Needs
family members to fill in the table:
Family Resources
Human Resources
Material Resources
Non-material resources
Family Expenses
Priority Needs
Social Needs
Learning Task 2
•Make a work schedule you used at home.
•Legends: Father— Eldest sister—
• Mother— Second Eldest Sister—
• Older Brother— Youngest Brother/Sister-

•Put the symbols on the corresponding person who do the chores on the
specific day. The days are arranged from Sunday (S) to Saturday (S).
•Do it on the table.
Learning Task 3

•Prepare a family budget for Angel’s family.

Both mother and father are working . They combined a gross income of
P40,000.00 per month. Angel is in elementary and his brother is in
college. They have no maid or helper at home. No house rentals paid
except for light and water. Other expenses for the work include gasoline
for their vehicle and other operating expenses for the maintenance of
their vehicle and equipment in the house like computer, air-conditioning
unit, washing machine, etc. needed for a smooth running of their
household. Follow the given template below.
Item % of Budget Allotted Amount

Food 40  

Education 16  

Shelter 15  

Utilities 12  

Household Operations 6  

Clothing 3  

Recreation 3  

Savings 5  

Total 100  
Learning Task 4

•Together with other members of the family, make a

simple budget plan (percentage may vary depending
on members’ needs). Members of the family can have
a get together to evaluate budgets made. This can be
a learning experience for all.

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