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Year 9

Chapter 9, 10, 11
1.What is Intelligent System?

It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially

intelligent computer programs.

2. What is cognitive tasks?

Cognitive tasks refer to the actions which help define cognitive thought
3. Define the main goal of intelligent system.

The main goal of an intelligent system is to enable a system to think and

behave like humans in order to solve a problem.

4. Describe any three tools used in AI development.

The tools used for AI are logic, search and optimisation, classifiers and
statistical learning methods, probabilistic methods for unrealistic
reasoning and artificial neural network.
5. What is mundane tasks?

These are tasks that humans do on a routine basis without any special
6. What is formal tasks?

These are tasks that require formal training like verifications and
7. What is expert tasks?

These require educational qualifications such as engineering to make

functional expert systems needed for manufacturing planning, medical
diagnosis, etc.
8. What is vision system?

AI can understand and comprehend the visual input on the computer.

9. What is Logic?

Logic is used for concept representation and problem-solving.

10. What is the process of problem-solving in AI?

The process of problem-solving consists of five steps: defining a

problem, analysing the problem, identification of solutions, choosing a
solution and implementing the chosen solution.
11. Describe one of the limitations of AI?

Developing AI enabled systems is very expensive.

Programming or training these systems can be very difficult.

There is a lack of feelings, emotions and creativity in these systems.

Dependency on machines increases as AI develops.

12. What is state space search?

State Space Search is the process of considering states or successive

configurations of an instance to find the goal state from the current state.
13. What is Artificial Neural Network?

A method enables a machine to find patterns in the input which are

complex for a human programmer to identify.
14. Define computer virus.

A computer virus is a destructive software program.

15. Describe the one of the symptom of a computer virus.

The computer runs more slowly than usual.

The computer stops responding, or it locks up frequently

The computer crashes and restarts every few minutes.

16. What a computer virus cannot do?

Cannot infect write protected discs (CD-ROMs) or infect written


Viruses do not infect compressed files

Computer virus cannot do physical damage to computer hardware.

17. What is boot sector virus?

The boot sector is that area of the computer that is accessed when the
computer starts.
18. What is the best way to prevent boot sector virus?

Ensure that floppy disks are write-protected.

Never start your computer with an unknown floppy disk in the disk drive.
19. What can a spyware do?

Spyware is a software that secretly gathers information about a person

or an organisation without their knowledge.
20. What is the least harmful programmed threat?

The least harmful programmed threat is logic bombs.

21. What is macro computer virus?

Macro is a set of commands written by the user to be executed later.

22. What is multipartite virus?

Multipartite viruses infect both boot records and program files.

23. What is polymorphic virus?

Polymorphic viruses are written in such a way that they change their
code whenever they pass to another machine.
24. What is computer worm?

Worm is a destructive software program designed to spread through

computer networks.
25. What is a Trojan Horses virus?

A harmful program containing malicious codes.

26. What is an example of a Trojan Horse?

Vundo is an example of a Trojan Horse.

27. What is an example of Multipartite virus?

One_Half, Emperor, Anthrax and Tequilla are an example of Multipartite

28. What is an example of a spyware?

Adware and tracking cookies are examples of spyware.

29. Once the scanning is complete, you get a detailed list of viruses in your
system and the infected file. What will be asked to do?

I will be asked to repair, delete and quarantine.

30. Why do you need anti-virus software?

Anti-virus software is used to prevent, detect, and remove destructive

31. Give a brief explanation of troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting is a process of identifying a computer problem so that it

can be fixed.

A lot of computer problems can be solved by troubleshooting.

32. Why is Computer Maintenance important?

It will increase the speed and the life of your PC.

It prevents errors.

It secures your data and information from unwanted damage.

It saves your precious time.

33. What are the areas of troubleshoot?

The three areas to troubleshoot are hardware, software and operating

34. Describe one of the most common problems involving the operating system
of a computer.

Windows not responding.

Windows restarts without warning.

Windows files do not boot.

35. Describe the basic hardware problems.

Power failure in the computer.

Device problems like a keyboard, mouse and printer not being recognised.

36. Describe the basic software problems.

You are unable to install a program.

The program or utility does not load. It has an error when you attempt to load it.

The system crashes when you are working with a specific software.

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